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tw: od mention, alc mention, drug mention

athena pov

it turned out i didn't overdose.

i had alcohol poisoning,

and i almost overdosed.

so basically if i had any more cocaine i would have overdosed.

i'm currently sat alone in my hospital room, the beeping of a heart rate monitor ringing in the background.

i don't know where everybody is and i have no idea what's going on. i woke up about an hour ago and the nurse told me that i had severe alcohol poisoning however i didn't overdose. and then she explained to me about the importance of not drinking so much and not doing drugs etc etc.

i forgot to ask where anybody is. ranboo, tubbo, tommy, will? i literally don't know.

i can hear noise outside, and a fair amount of it, so surely it's not like 4am or something.

what time did i even get here?

i'm trying to remember what happened last night but all i remember is like walking away from ranboo and then passing out.

and then waking up and falling asleep for like an hour, and then wilbur finding me, and then being in a lot of pain.

and then being told i might have fucking overdosed on cocaine.

i got humbled real fast.

i'm trying so hard to think what i said to ranboo or what we 'argued' about. if we even argued.

and then i remembered.

he got upset with me because i was literally almost passed out on the floor drunk, and then asked for more drugs.

and i got pissed off.

i cant even fucking imagine how he feels right now.

tears are streaming down my face as i turn around in my bed.


i woke up to muffled speaking outside the door to the room.

"cant you just fucking let me in? i waited here all night, my best friend is in that room behind you, and i would really , really like to see her right now"

"toby come on. she's sleeping. they will let us in when she's awake." will's voice consoled tubbo.

why weren't they letting my friends in?

i didn't hear ranboo though. he's either not there or just quiet.

(a/n i'm watching caiti's stream and she's doing karaoke and SHES PLAYING SUCH GOOD SOMGS AND ITS MAKING ME FUCKING CRAZY DADDY ISSUES STARTED PLAYING I CANT IM LIKE 100% ENERGY WHILE WRITING THIS. thank you for listening to this rant)

i sighed and turned over in my bed, pressing the emergency red button.

a nurse entered my room in literally like 10 seconds.

"he-hey! is she okay?! what does that even fucking mean!" tubbo spoke loudly through the other side of the door.
i smiled.

"can you just let them in" i groaned.

she sighed and i swear i saw her roll her eyes before walking to the door and opening it. "okay. come in"

tubbo was the first one that walked in, and he looked behind him and waited for the nurse to leave. "that bitch."

i widened my eyes and smiled at him.

"i'm not kidding they wouldn't let anybody in the ambulance so we drove down on our own, and then we weren't allowed to see you even though they said you're fine. it pissed me off." he ran a hand through his hair, came and sat down on my bed,

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