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i'm writing this whilst watching tubbo's live so please excuse any mistakes
also look at me being all active 2 chapters in a day wowow

athena pov

tw: weed and alcohol

(continuing on from last chapter)

"thanks for the advice toby!" i smiled at him before walking out of the kitchen.

timeskip to like 6pm

i checked my phone when i got into my room, and saw a message.

from someone who i never thought i would get a message from again.


you really, really thought, moving to the uk would make you get away from me? i am not over the way you treated me. and i will make your life hell when you come back.

i read the message over and over again, processing it in my head.

i thought he was done with me. i felt my heart pounding against my chest.

i placed my phone back down and grabbed a can of cider from my mini fridge.

ain't no way am i going to get through a conversation with declan, without alcohol.

i opened the can with one hand and took a sip, before picking my phone back up and opening dms again.


don't leave me on opened whore


declan i am literally in a different country. what the fuck are you actually gonna do in reality?


you're a fucking pussy. i just said that i'm going to make your life hell when you get back. you're literally cheating on me.


first of all. i'm not in a relationship with you second of all i'm not even dating anybody


you're literally sleeping with that fucking gamer freak


what the actual fuck you perv

i'm not sleeping with him are u insane?


mhm whatever the fuck you say. you are mine you bitch and don't forget that


no i'm not💀 please declan, i BEG you get therapy.


i do not need therapy.


you do. youre insane.


insane or not, don't go cozying up to that freak or else i'll ruin your life


i'll do whatever the fuck i want declan. i am not even in the same country as you. you can't do jack shit.
read 6:39pm

i didn't even notice that i had been drinking from my can the entire time the conversation had been going on. now its empty.

and honestly i probably shouldn't get another one but when have i ever agreed to my thoughts? never.

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