Chapter 11.

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It was the first time that Josh was at an event without his beautiful wife, he was not alone, he knew it, but he missed her so much that he did not even know what to do with his hands in the photo session, he was used to holding the waist of his wife, whisper to her, compliment her.

It was a great day for comic con anyway, they met fans, took pictures, and bought funko pops along with the cast.
The desired night for Josh arrived, he drove with a smile all the way to his house, his wife and his son were waiting for him. At the entrance was Ginny, Josh parked the car quickly and ran to his wife to kiss her from the first moment.
When they parted, Josh gave one last kiss.
Ginny: Hey Sir.
Josh: I missed you SO MUCH.
Ginny -with a sweet smile- We both miss you too.
Josh: And our little one?
Ginny: In the room, do you want something for dinner?
Josh: Then honey, I want to say hi to the prince of the house. Hand in hand they walk towards the house

In bed, lying down, Josh plays with Oliver who is already 5 months old, Josh picks him up in the air and fills him with kisses,
Oliver laughs out loud.
‚Hey where is my little boy.' josh said giving him kisses in between.
‚Where is he. Where?' he said now kissing oliver's tummy and laughing.
As ginny saw this she couldn't keep herself and took her phone. She had to take a photo of this precious moment between the man's in her life that she loved the most. And she took so many.

Then she laid her phone back on the nightstand and kissed josh's cheeck and then the cheek of her little prince.
‚I love you both so much. I can't believe I got so blessed and got to have you. You're my family and I will always protect you both no matter what.' she said now smiling with tears in her eyes.
She got a bubbly smile from olli in return. And josh gave her a sweet kiss and put his forehead to hers.
‚Im the lucky one gin, you both mean everything to me. Please always remember that. I cant wait too give olli a sibling. To be with you on this ride means the world to me. Ginny: A little brother? Ginny's gaze lit up.
Josh: Many little brothers! as much as God give us!
Ginny smiled and looked at Oliver.
Ginny: Do you want a little brother, honey?
Oliver smiles.
Ginny: We will give you one, many!
Josh smiles and surrounds Ginny.
Ginny looks at Josh.
Ginny: You are my life and my ride,
Josh: And you are mine, I love you both more than anything in this world.
Oliver: Mo-mmy.

They look quickly at him and shed tears of happiness
Ginny: Ollie ... my love ..- she said with a soft and sweet voice-Did you just.. did you call me mommy?' she said quitly trying to keep her tears at minumum.
She couldn't express what she felt in this moment it was all so overwhelming. ‚Mo-mmy' olli tried again this time with a cute smile. ‚Mommy, mommy, mommy' he said now smiling his smile that his parents adored so much. Josh looked at ginny.

They got olli and he was the best thing happening to them. Ginny looked back at josh tears still in her eyes.
‚I love you so so so much olli do you hear me? Your mommy loves you the most' she said now cuddling him in her arms Josh surrounds his family, he loves them more than anything in the world.
As he get them closer he felt pain on his right side of the waist.
Ginny: Whats wrong?...
Josh: I- i dont know.. It hurts. Josh plases his hand over his waist again and feels the pain again.
Josh : Oh God. Ginny: It might be the appendix..
Josh: Hopefully not babe
Ginny :were u feeling pain today?
Ginny :were u feeling pain today?
Josh: Colin and I were playing so I didn't really feel something Josh clenches his jaw in pain. Ginny: Lest go to the hospital. ‚no its okay babe no need to drive to the hospital.' he says trying to not think about the pain in his side.
‚No you will let me drive you to the hospital. Dont be selfish. Josh you can't deny that it doesn't hurt because i know that it does. Cmon.' ginny says trying to convince him to not do something stupid.
‚Really darling its nothing too concerning. Its ok-‚he couldn't talk more it was hurting really bad.
Ginny analizes him for a moment.
Ginny : If it hurts again I will inmediately take u to the hospital. Josh nods. Ginny takes Oliver.
Ginny: Say good night to daddy.
Oliver kisses Josh's cheek and they leave.

Josh wakes up alarmed, sweating and with so much pain inside. Ginny turns on the light. Ginny:I knew it..
Josh: Honey I am sorry.
Ginny : Is ok, we will take you to the hospital now.
‚Can you walk to the car?' ginny asked waking up completely.
‚Yes I can do this. Take oliver with you and we will meet at the car.' he said.
‚Okay but please go to the car and sat yourself on the seat. I dont want that It gets worse by standing okay honey?' she pleaded.
‚Okay I see you in a few' he said giving her a quick peck.
Then he went with heavy steps towards the door. "minutes later"

Ginny is driving the car, Josh is in the passenger seat with Oliver. They are stuck in the traffic.

Josh: We been here for hours.
Ginny: They must move.. How are you feeling?
Josh: It hurts a lot, but I am ok.
Ginny nods and looks in front.
Josh swallows hard.
Josh: I am sorry love.
Ginny: For what?
Josh: I didn't listen to you... And I feel horrible.
Ginny:I love you more than anything, you are my warrior, i dont care about that.
Josh: Then you forgive me?...
Ginny takes Josh's hands.
Ginny: Always.

Josh smiles and they kiss. Josh feels the pain again. Ginny takes out her phone and googles something.

Ginny: I will not loose you.
Josh is dizzy.
Ginny: I might not be a doctor, but I will save you. Josh nods a bit unconcius.
Ginny places her hand over Josh waist slowly. Josh cant hear anything, he hears his wife talking to him, Oliver sleeping, is all coming black.
As he closes his eyes he heards an ambulance coming

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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