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Hyunjin and Jisung was a little tired from staying up and planning whole night but the adrenaline started kicking in "Hyunjin we're leaving....ahhh we're finally leaving!!" Jisung said breathing loudly, a huge crowd of parents sat in their chairs anxiously awaiting to see their children.

One by one each student walked out and sat in their seats on the stage. Jisung hands were shaking and Felix and Hyunjin immediately held his hands. Hyunjin was called first so he let go and walked on stage to hear people clapping and his parents yelling this name. Jisung was up next trying to calm down his breathing he walk on stage, heard clapping but where is his parents? He kinda expected Minho not too come but his parents really? He made his way to Hyunjin with a sad expression on his face.

Suddenly he felt Hyunjin's hand on his "I'm sorry Ji" he whispered and Jisung smiled. Hyunjin already noticed, he has a friend who cares more than his own parents! He decided he wasn't going to be sad for his graduation and he's not going to ruin it for his friends so he put on a smile and went on.

It was half way done and Jisung had to give a speech, a speech he was practicing in front Minho everyday. Minho always said he can't wait to see him say it in front the whole school.

Jisung stood at the podium and clear his throat "hi everyone I am Han Jisung" he took a deep breath, no one was in the crowd video tapping him or even making fun of him for silly things "I came in this school 3 years ago as a shy kid who didn't know from left to right, i-"

Jisung pause seeing a lady walking in, she came in fast and sat at the back "you can do this sweetie!" She yelled "I'll make a lot of food for you after you finish!" Jisung then realize it was Mrs. Olivia. He was embarrassed but it was a good embarrass, he smiled and continue on with a real smile "I didn't know the world like how you do, I was lost in my own perfect image of it but I met 4 friends- sorry 5..." He turned to Changbin "sorry chin" he said and everyone laughed while Changbin glared at him.

"Friends who helped me out and they accepted me into their group. I realized a lot of things about myself with them I was shy, quite, loud when I'm excited and... innocent" people in the crowd chuckled "I was so hidden from the world I didn't know how to do decent human things so imagine how hard it was for me but my friends help me out so much and I am so grateful that I met them" he said watching them.

"I wish you all the best in your adult life, you are going to face struggles that you won't overcome immediately it would take time so use that time to reflect and look at yourself. Remember it's not bad to ask for help, thank you all for making me feel welcome" Jisung then bowed at his class and then the teachers.

Everybody clapped, the speech was just perfect and inspiring. When he went back to his seat this classmates hit him on his back and commend him on his speech while Changbin gave him the cold shoulder. After everything was finished he ran up to Mrs. Olivia and hugged her "thank you for coming" he said and she smiled and hug back with the same energy. As she let go Jisung was attacked by his friends, they were hugging him non stop and kept saying how funny it was that he forgot Changbin.

All while this was going on Mrs. Olivia found her chance to send Minho the video of Jisung's speech, he didn't ask for it and right now he's pissed at himself of missing it but he's being a bitch. He knows he love Jisung and that he wanted to see his speech but he doesn't want to give in "Jisung let's talk for a while" she said and Jisung followed her "how have you been dear? Did you eat? Where are you staying? I called your parents and they said you're not staying with them".

"I'm fine, I'm staying with my friend and my parents and I agued so I won't be staying with them and thanks for being here and thanks for worrying" Jisung said and Mrs. Olivia played with his cheeks while smiling.

"Jisung please don't be mad at Minho, please don't give up on him, he-"

"You should be telling him that" Jisung laughed "I love him, there's no way I'll do that but I messed up and I don't think he'll forgive me so easily like how I didn't when he left so I'm gonna try my best to get him back, he tried his hardest to prove that he wasn't going to leave me so it's my turn" he said confidently.

"Aww that's amazing! To be honest Minho thinks you gave up on him he's acting horrible and he's yelling at everyone Jisung please try your best for his sake".

"Of course! I'm gonna get him back no matter what it takes"

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