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"You what!!!" Hyunjin yelled looking at Jisung who just came back from the 'interview' "that escalated so quickly" Hyunjin felt like he just watched porn " did..." Jisung took off his clothes and changed into comfy ones and threw himself on Hyunjin's bed.

"Didn't I say to avoid anything sexual, he might think you're after his body!" Hyunjin said as he joined Jisung "I know but it wasn't my call he was the one who started it".

"Oh my god...I didn't expect that!" Hyunjin said remembering everything they practice before he went "you think he'll hire you?"

"I think...I hope, I just gave him a blowjob at work I didn't do anything we practice. Agh! Now I'm regretting it I just proved I'm more of a slut"

"Yah Jisung stop saying that it's not like you seduce him it just happened at the moment"

"I guess..."

"Forget it for now tonight we're gonna party with the boys"

"Aww come it's not gonna be fun y'all are going to get drunk and I'll have to carry you home"

"You're acting like you're not going to get drunk" Hyunjin said making Jisung scoff "I won't".


Minho heard a knock on his office door at his home "come in" he said and Mrs. Olivia opened it "I brought some medicine for you too take" she said walking up to him "what? No I'm fine"

"Really?" She said sarcastically but Minho couldn't hear the sarcasm in her tone "well you came home redder than a tomato so I thought you had a fever" she said smiling seeing Minho's face turn red again.

"I-i... yeah? Yeah! I'm feeling sick leave these with me" he lied so she could leave "oh I hope you feel better soon" she said as she was about to walk out she turned around "how was the interviews? did anything interesting happen?"

"I-interesting? It was just a boring day full of people..and work.." Minho internally curse from what he try to say "oh okay, well don't stay up too late" she said and Minho nodded waiting for her to close the door.

He let out a loud sigh as the door closed, there's no way I'm letting Jisung effect me this much he thought he's been running around his mind ever since what they did and he can't get him out no matter what he does!

It was going around 1 a.m and Minho finally came back to his room. He got undressed took a shower, did his skin care and lay down on his bed. He was so tired he felt like he could of knocked out at any any second *cough cough* I said at any second.

"WHY CAN'T I SLEEP!" Minho yelling moving around in his bed his very very expensive bed that is made for him to immediately fall asleep but guess what? It wasn't working.

Minho took out his phone and started watching some cat videos but suddenly the image of Jisung as a cat came in his mind.

Minho took out his phone and started watching some cat videos but suddenly the image of Jisung as a cat came in his mind

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