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"What's America like?" Jisung said trying to start a conversation with Scarlett while Minho drive the car hella confuse but lucky Jisung she loves to talk. She started talking about herself a lot and Jisung didn't mind because he's glad the conversation is still going "no way you got into a modeling agency!" Jisung said to keep her going.

"Yes! I was the prettiest bitch there but the audacity of those people! You have no idea how rude they were"

"I bet they were!" He said dramatically and she smiled liking the attention "hey, you want to know where we're going?" Minho said catching their attention "no thanks, can you just focus on the road" Scarlett said and Jisung fought the urge not to laugh. Minho started to regret his stupid plan of bringing Scarlett to make Jisung jealous. Why was he getting along with her so good? Why so suddenly?

Minho couldn't lie but watching Jisung smile and laugh at whatever Scarlett was saying was cute everything about Jisung was prefect even tho he didn't say it he absolutely loves what Jisung was wearing "and that's how my third married ended at the age of 21".

"Wow that's... that's interesting" Jisung was actually speechless "well now I have Min! And he makes me so happy" she said and Minho chuckled looking to see a reaction from Jisung but nothing! "The first time we met you said he was your husband? If we're going to be friends I need to clear this up" she said looking at both of them. Minho finally got back his smirk "so Jisu-" before he could say anything Jisung immediately answered with a smile "I'm his secretary so don't worry".

"That's great!!" Scarlett said getting excited, Minho grip the steering wheel making his knuckles go white, what was Jisung playing! He wanted the Jisung who sassed back and stand up for himself! Why was he just letting this happen! He wants the old Jisung back the one who was determined to make him his again...

"Shit! Did Jisung give up that easily! Fuck! He doesn't love me! He doesn't care! I thought he would last longer...well he did looked determined but suddenly he gives up!"

Jisung noticed Minho getting lost in his thoughts so he immediately shook him back to reality, he was driving to it was important "Minho you good?"

"Oh yeah" he answered in a visibly irritated voice, Jisung stared at him now being confused maybe their talking was irritating him. He turned back to Scarlett and said that they'll talk after and she nodded.

The car fell silent after... a really awkward silence.

They finally arrived at their destination "Min you took us to an amusement park!" Scarlett said looking around smiling happily hearing the screams and laugher surrounding the area "yeah let's go and enjoy ourselves" Minho got out the car and help Scarlett out leaving Jisung behind.

Jisung would normally protest and say something to get Minho's attention but he didn't, he followed them quietly but he immediately cheered up when he saw all the roller coasters, food stans and the huge ferris wheel.

He was looking around with a huge smile on his face but it dropped seeing Minho and Scarlett holding hands "ah.. guys we should separate... I'll go do my own things" Jisung said and Minho glared at him "no you're my secretary you have to stay with me" he said but honestly he just wanted Jisung to stay with him.


"No buts Jisung you're staying with me" Minho said in all seriousness and Jisung nodded obeying immediately "w-what should we do first?" He asked Minho turned to Scarlett "what do you want to try first?"

"Hm.... let's go in the spinning cups!" She said in excitement and Minsung nodded. Minho payed for all of them knowing Jisung didn't have much money, he's not that cruel but he's cruel enough to make Jisung go in another cup. Jisung sat in a cup with a total stranger looking at Minho and Scarlett in jealousy.

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