二十 (Twenty)

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It's a very short, but it's a....bridge chapter, I don't know if that's a thing but I'm making it a thing for my books.

(Bridge chapter = shorter than normal chapter for important plot pieces or something.)

I promise the next one will be very long...

The apology isn't for the length though...


(Third Person POV)

Elle stood in front of the mirror in her childhood bedroom. Her eyes traveled over the cobalt blue dress she wore down to her black shoes. It being her mom's favorite color, everyone was wearing something cobalt blue.

"Ready?" Koan asked, appearing in the doorway in his cobalt blue dress shirt. He had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the first two buttons undone.

She had him in a dress shirt and dress pants, she wouldn't complain about the sleeves or buttons. Especially when he looked so good.

"Wish I wasn't." She said, answering his question.

Her mom didn't wish to be buried. She wished to be cremated so she was, the day after she died. It's been a day since then and almost time for her memorial/funeral service.

Everything Eleanor predicted, Koan was seeing come true. Elle's dad and brother were trying to push everyone away. Colten had lashed out at Renzo several times, but luckily Renzo is stubborn and received a warning from Koan.


Elle has yet to really leave Koan's side. The only time alone he gets is when he goes to the bathroom or she falls asleep. He doesn't care though.

After the explosion at the police station....

Two more went off.

One at the local community center and one at city's capital building.

Now the FBI is in involved and everyone is desperately searching for the culprits while the number of victims increases the more they search the rubble. Everyone is living in fear that another one will go off at anytime and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

"Is everyone already there?" Elle asked as she grabbed Koan's hand.

"Except the five of us." He nodded. "They haven't gone inside yet though. Waiting on you three first." He said as he and Elle walked downstairs.

"Where is Renzo?" Colten asked, as they reached the bottom.

"You snapped at him and screamed at him to leave, remember?" Elle replied with a bit more attitude than she meant.

Colten didn't think he'd actually leave though. He hadn't so far. He'd spent the past two nights on the couch even after Colten snapped at him. Once outside, Colten was relieved to see that Renzo was waiting in the car playing a game on his phone.

Knowing that the next however many hours we're going to be spent hearing how sorry people were and how much of a lovely person his mother was, Colten really wanted...needed Renzo there.

Hugs and tearful looks were exchanged once they arrived outside the church. Tears started flowing as they walked in and saw the beautiful cobalt blue urn decorated with white flowers along with a large portrait of Eleanor.

It was only twenty minutes before the visiting started when trouble arose.

The doors to the church flew open and one of Kintaro's guards came sprinting inside.

"Boss, we got an issue!"

"What is it?"

He didn't get a chance to respond before the doors busted open and fifteen people came rushing inside.

"Kintaro Kazuya,"

"Seiichi Kazuya,"

"Kenji Kazuya,"

"Renzo Kazuya,"

"Shiro Kazuya,"

"Koan-Akinari Kazuya,"

With each name called, one of the men who came in grabbed them by the arms.

"Who are you guys? What are you doing here?" Izumi asked.

"You all are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand the rights In which I have just read to you?"

"Why are you arresting them?! On what charge?!"

"They're under arrest for the bombings."

And just like that....

Elle felt as if her whole world was burning to the ground.

Ashes to Ashes (Book Two of The Kazuya Series) (✔️) Where stories live. Discover now