三十二 (Thirty-Two)

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(Elle's POV)

"You're sure about this?"


"They'll really be pissed once they find out."

"I don't care. I'm doing this for them."

"Very well then. I look forward to seeing you in action." Damien winked.

"Is this okay with your boss though? Mr. Bianchi?"

"Please, he has used this jet to fly to Paris to buy Mrs. Bianchi something she wanted and then came right back. Didn't even stop for a croissant or macaron or anything!"

Once we had reached the city I had changed my mind and decided to either go big or go home. So what did I do?

I simply asked Damien if he knew where I could find the Director of the FBI and all he had to do was make a phone call or two.

Our flight wasn't very long and it was still technically night when we arrived.

"He's not scheduled to be at work for a few more hours. We can either wait or-"

"Or." I said as we climbed into the car that was waiting for us.

"You don't know what the or is." Damien laughed.

"Or we show up at his house. I'll go with that one. That is the most unexpected approach."

"As you wish. This is your show, I'm just along for the ride." He smirked.

"And them?" I asked, looking at three big Italian men in the back seat.

"They are...spectators."

"Spectators. Right."

The director of the FBI lived in a very nice house with very nice security. Not as nice as the security Damien apparently had because we were able to stroll right through the gates without being stopped or questioned. I gave Damien a questioning look to which he replied with a wink. I did however notice that the three Italian men disappeared once we arrived. 

I didn't have any doubts about what we were doing until we walked inside the man's home and found him, his wife, and two children eating breakfast together at the dinning room table.

He stood up abruptly and placed himself between his family and us.

"Director Hall?" I asked, softening my tone.

"What do you want? How did you get in here?"

"Director Hall, I would like to have a talk."

"A talk? You barge into my home to have a talk? Security!"

"Your security won't be arriving for a while." Damien stated unapologetically.

"We can have our discussion here if you'd like. We will maintain our distance if it makes you feel better."

"I'd feel better if you got the f*ck out of my house!"

I didn't blame him for his response to us, but I wasn't leaving until I accomplished what I came to do. I gave Damien a nudge and nodded for him to do his thing.
He took a single step forward and grinned at Director Hall just as the three Italian men entered behind us.

"Don Bianchi sends his regards."

Director Hall froze for half a second. "F*cking shit"

"We require only a short amount of your time."

Hall then told his wife to take the kids to school and that he'd call her in a little bit. Once they left, Damien threw it back to me.

"I know you are aware of the recent bombings that took place which were followed by that prison riot."

He squinted his eyes before a look of realization crossed his face.

"You belong to one of them don't you? One of those Kazuya's?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"We belong to each other." I corrected.

"I'm not assuming you came here to blackmail me into getting the charges dropped."

"I'm here to give you the real culprits." I corrected him again, tossing the big envelope I'd been carrying.

"Real culprits?"

"I worked hard getting all that evidence, Director." Damien said as Hall began to look through everything.

"F*cking hell." He mumbled.

I moved towards him until we were basically toe-to-toe.

"I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, Director, and I've never been one to make threats. However, I'd advise you make this your top priority for today."

"Or what? If you're not one to make threats?"

I gave him a grin and glanced over my shoulder at Damien.

Damien then motioned for the three Italian men to step forward. "These kind gentlemen have agreed to...keep you company for the next day or so. They have strict instructions to make sure this remains your top priority until it is solved. You should also know that Don Bianchi is very fond of the Kazuya Family. You should also remember the stories of the things he has done for those he considers family."

"Thank you for your time, Director Hall. You may keep those," I said gesturing to papers and pictures in his hands. "We have the originals."

I turned to head for the door and Damien followed as the three men removed where they were watching the director.

"Wait for me in the car." Damien whispered in my ear before reaching to give my hand a squeeze. "You did real good."

My hands were shaking by the time I reached the car and sat down. After taking a minute to breathe, I turned on my phone to see countless missed calls and texts. I was about to read the messages when someone started to call me.

It was Koan.

And I knew I was in trouble.

(Damien's POV)

"Something you can't say in front of the lady?" Director Hall questioned once Elle left.

"Just something Don Bianchi wanted me to pass along."

"What's that?"

"Rule number one. You are aware of this rule, correct?"

"I'm pretty everyone who has ever dealt with him knows this rule."

"God help anyone who disrespects or harms the Queen." I quoted.

"Why are telling me something I already know?"

"When was the last time you spoke to the Don?"

"Years. I believe they were about to have a daughter."

"Then you are not aware of the...updated news throughout his world?"

"What news?" He asked, seeming more interested now.

"There is more than one Queen now. Mrs. Bianchi obviously still reigns supreme at the top, but there are more. Seven to be exact."


I held up both hands as I began counting them off. "You have Mrs. Bianchi, the wives of the twins, Don's daughter who is technically a Russian Queen now, and the Biker Queen. There's one in Japan now too. Her husband is a real fun time." I winked.

"That's only six."

"Which leaves me with number seven." I smirked and he paled as he glanced at the door behind me. "Now you're getting it"

I moved up close to him so I could whisper in his ear to make sure he really heard what I said next.

"She may have married the youngest of the Kazuyas and he may not be the one to take over for his father, but in the Don's book she is a Queen. So...I would suggest you do your part in protecting this Queen and do as she has asked. Set her King free."

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