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"They truly couldn't live without each other."

"One heart and one soul split between two people. How could one be expected to live without the other?"

Silence fell upon them for several moments before one spoke again.

"Their bodies were found under a bunch of ash and they were mostly intact."


"Do you know the chances of that? With a fire that size and intense?"

One began to laugh softly to himself.

"What's so funny?" Another asked.

He was thinking back to a few days ago when he stood over their charred bodies and proceeded to tie a red string that connected their pinky fingers.

"I pity and envy those who will live hundreds or even thousands of years from now."


"You said it yourself. They were found beneath ashes."


"You know she had a saying. She read it in a book once and never forgot it. Said it stuck with her for some reason."

One of the others laughed softly. "I see where you're going with this."

"Can someone tell me? I am lost."

"When the Phoenix resurrects from the ashes, they will be even more beautiful than before."

All six that stood before the single headstone with two names then bended down to one knee. Out of those six, one spoke. The same one who gave them the red string.

"It was a honor and a pleasure working for you, your highnesses."

Then they all spoke at once.

"Long live the King and Queen."

"And in the next one, may you learn and love to play with fire."

The End.


But remember, is it ever really the end?


Did you piece it together?

Let me know!

If not then I will explain! ☺️

Till next time!!

B. 😘❤️

P.S. There will be an extended/bonus epilogue in the bonus chapters book sometime in the near future!


It wasn't much to piece together but...

So there were six people there. Koan's brothers and perhaps Colten and....Damien 🫢🤔

Also, Damien told Elle it was an honor and pleasure working for her again. He also called her 'highness'.

Therefore 'Damien' was the one who tied the string around their pinkies in their past life. And he remembers it all in this life.

Ashes to Ashes (Book Two of The Kazuya Series) (✔️) Where stories live. Discover now