Chapter 9 First Date

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I wake up to my phone telling me I have a notification.

It reads: Hey, so do you think you could stop by my house at one? My mom wants to meet you. I look at the time. 9:29. I've got some time to kill, so I've got an idea. I get up and get ready.

I go downstairs and make some eggs for Mina, who is still asleep, and set the plate in the microwave to keep them warm. I write a note to her and stick it to the fridge. Hey, I will be out pretty much all day. Breakfast is in the microwave. Don't question me... love ya, sis. -Y/n

I grab my phone, keys, wallet, and sunglasses and head outside locking the door behind me.

I head to a flower shop and buy a bouquet of Tiger Lillies before making my way to Momo's house.

I reach her house and stop outside the gate, which is blocking me from the courtyard. I look at the keypad and ring the bell.

"Oh hello, you must be Y/n," a voice says from the intercom.

"Yes, that would be me," I reply.

"Come on in," the voice says as the gate opens. I walk through them and head up to the door, knocking.

The door opens to reveal Momo standing there.

"Here, these are for you," I say, handing Momo the lilies.

"Oh, these are beautiful! I need to put these in some water right away, just follow me for right now. My mom will be down in a bit," Momo says.

Momo puts the flowers in water and has me follow her to her dining room.

"Oh, hello there Y/n. Momo has told me so much about you," a woman who I can only assume to be Momo's mom says, walking into the room and taking a seat across from me.

"Yes, that would be me, and you must be Momo's mother."

"That is correct," she answers, "Momo probably already told you that I wanted to meet you, but I've got a few questions and a promise I need you to make," Her mother responds.

"Okay, hit me with em', I'm ready," I say.

"First of all, how do you want today to go, how do you see it going?" she starts.

"I see it going well. I personally want to give Momo an amazing day," I say, glancing at Momo out of the corner of my eye.

"Do you see this getting serious, like you two becoming a true couple?"

"MOM!" Momo exclaims with obvious embarrassment.

"I'm not saying I would not like it to be, but in the end, I think the final decision is up to Momo. If she wants it to be, I would be happy, but if she doesn't, then I won't force anything," I say, slightly ignoring Momo's outburst.

"Okay, last question. Can we talk about your parents for a second?" Momo's mom asks. At this question, I could almost see the fire and hear Mina and I crying, screaming for our parents to make it out.

"I...I would rather not," I stammer, avoiding eye contact.

"Understandable, but I do need you to promise me something. Should this relationship get serious, you will keep Momo safe."

"I promise to keep her safe, even if it means trading my life to protect hers," I say.

"Well God forbid that," Momo says, looking over at me with concern.

"Well, that's all, so go have fun you two."

I stand up, bow, and look at Momo.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yes I am," she answers, standing up. We say goodbye and head off.

"So, what do you want to do after we get ice cream?" I ask.

"Umm...I don't know. I didn't really think about it...I guess we will see when the time comes," Momo says, smiling and scratching her head.

"I've got an idea," I say, looking at her out of the side of my eye with a smile.

We make it to the ice cream place, order our ice cream, and sit down outside.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why did you avoid answering my mom when she asked about your parents?" Momo asks.

"Hmm. If I tell you I need you to promise me that you will not tell anyone at all."

"Okay, I promise."

"My parents died six years ago in a fire," I say.

"Oh my..." Momo starts covering her mouth at the thought.

"I loved them and the time I had with them, but someone...someone took them from me. I've never been the same since. Sorry to dampen the date," I say ending the conversation there.

"Hey if you ever need to talk about it... don't hesitate to call," Momo offers.

We change the subject and joke around while we finish our ice cream. We get up and head to the place I thought of.

"So, are you up to a bit of roller skating?" I ask, opening the door to the roller rink.

We get skates and go out onto the rink, and Momo almost immediately loses balance.

"Have you ever skated before?" I ask, grabbing her hand to help her keep balance.

"No, this is my first time ever skating," she replies, smiling.

"Okay, well then do it like this," I instruct before explaining how to roller skate. Once she gets the hang of it, I turn around and start skating backward, looking her in the eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" I ask, gazing into them.

She blushes and turns away her head. I lose my balance and trip, taking Momo down with me, and her landing on my chest.

"Okay, I think that's enough for one day," I laugh while standing up and helping Momo to her feet. We skate over to the exit of the rink, put our original shoes back on, return the skates, and leave.

We make it to Momo's house, and before she goes inside, she says, "I had a lot of fun today. Do you think we could do it again sometime?"

"Yeah! I'd be down to do it again. Just say when and where," I reply. I say goodbye, and to my surprise, receive a hug. I hug her back and tell her I will see her tomorrow at school.

I make it home, unlock the door, and head up to my room. When I open my bedroom door, the first thing I see is an office chair sitting in the middle of my room facing away from me.

"Where have you been all day?" Mina asks, turning around in the chair.

"How long have you been sitting there?" I say, answering Mina's question with a question.

"An hour, but that's not the point. Where have you been?" she demands.

"Yes, now get out so I can change and sleep," I say, "and take the chair with you."

"Hmph, you're no fun," she pouts, grabbing the chair and dragging it out behind her.

I change into something more comfortable and lay on my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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