Chapter 15 part 3

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We make it back to class and are told that we are given the next two days of school off. After Mr. Aizawa tells us the announcement we are allowed to leave, I stand up and am stopped by Mina who has made a Beeline sprint to my seat.

"Hey Jiro asked me if I could stay the night with her so I said I would, Ok that was all, you've got the house to yourself tonight, have fun." Mina says, Immediately walking away after she finished giving me her announcement.

"Uuh ok." I say standing up and heading out the door, "I guess I can head to the mall and wander for a bit, got nothing better to do." I say to myself. While walking out I caught sight of Jiro who was hiding her face from me, not like she did when she met my grandma, more like she was upset with me, like I did something wrong. I head to Recovery Girl before leaving school.

Half an hour later I make it to the mall and start wandering, no set place in mind, I walk into a music store and start looking around before being recognized by an employee of the store.

"Hey, Y/n right, congrats on winning the sports festival, I read about it a few minutes ago." she says before walking off.

"Wait Y/n is here" I hear a girl say from the Aisle over.

Immediately two girls from the other aisle walk around into the aisle I was in and started towards me, I kept looking at Cds on shelves in hopes that they would not recognize me, walk past me and look for me elsewhere for me.

"There he is, say something." One of the girls says.

"Please don't notice me, i'm not in the mood to be recognized anymore, i just want alone time, that's why i'm here," I think before looking down and noticing my school uniform, "Oh god"

"Excuse me" one of the girls said tapping on my shoulder.

"Yes," I say, turning to face them, they both look at me and slightly blush.

"We were wondering if we could get a picture with you?" The second girl asked.

"Usually I might say yes, but..."I start before noticing them look at me upset, "Oh all right come on"

Both girls get excited and we take pictures, I kinda suffer through it giving the best fake smile I can muster with my entire body still in some pain from my fight against Bakugo. They finish and I am left alone again, I leave, not buying anything and start to wander some more before hearing something that I was not expecting to hear.

"Mommy? Mommy?" it sounded like a little girl calling for her mother, I waited for a response from the mother but never heard it.

"Mommy, where are you?" The little girl said again as I start heading to where the voice is. I reach the girl and kneel down infront of her.

"Are you lost little one?" I ask calmly, to which I receive a head shake yes, "Ok then let's find your mother shall we."

I stand up and take her hand, which she is a bit reluctant to do.

"Ok so where did you last see her?" I ask, to which see points in a direction, and following her instruction we start heading in the direction she pointed. We walk for a bit before I ask "Does any of this look familiar?" And she looks at me confused, "Do you remember any of this?" She shakes her head yes and points to a store so we head over there.

We get over there and I notice it's a Jewelry store, We walk in to see if an employee of the store can help us and I start seeing really nice watches and necklaces.

"I may need to Stop here for Momo." I say to myself.

"Excuse me Sir may I help you?" Someone says from behind me. I turn around and see an employee.

"Uuh yes, actually have you seen someone come by here looking for their daughter, because this little angel here is lost." I say.

"Yes actually someone did stop by here, if i'm not mistaken they should still be here, follow me please." The employee says, to which we follow. She leads us to a back room where a woman is crying.

"MOMMY!" the little girl yells letting go of my hand and running to the woman now dubbed as her mother. Her mother looks up and with happiness mixed with a little shock she embraces her daughter in a huge hug. I smile knowing that a family was reunited

"I'm glad that they are happy, I don't want anyone to go through what me and Ashi went through." I think to myself.

"Thank you." The mother says to me.

"You're welcome," I say smiling, The mother and her daughter embrace in another long hug and I take that as my que to leave. I head out of the jewelry store after browsing a little bit, and decide to head home to work on some music with nothing better to do.

I make it home and head inside, "I wonder what I did wrong, Jiro seemed upset with me" I think to myself, I head up to my room and slip into something comfortable grab a guitar and a notepad and start writing lyrics and strumming my guitar to see what sounds the best with the lyrics.

After about an hour I get a bit hungry and head downstairs and grab a bag of pretzels. I start heading up the stairs before I hear a knock on the door, I jump not expecting anyone to visit. I head over to the door and look through the peephole and see no one there. I open the door and look around before looking down to see if something was left and see a box sitting there with a letter with my name written on it, I pick the two items up and head back inside closing the door behind me and heading back to the kitchen I set the pretzels, And the package and letter down on the counter, and open the letter first.

I grab the letter in a pink envelope, and read the name on it in a nice pristine hand writing.

Y/N , It reads I tear into the envelope and pull out it's contents and read the letter inside.

Y/N , You are someone I have had feelings for a while, I won't tell you who I am...Not yet at least, that's for you to figure out, All I need you to know is that I Love you, even if you are dating someone, my feelings won't change, no matter who says I should move on, No matter who you are with, I will love you from here until I feel like I should move on, from what has happened recently It may be sooner than I expect, or sooner than I want, but we will see, won't we.

-Your secret admirer

I finish reading the letter and start to question what is in the package. I head over to the knife block, grab a knife and head back to the package and carefully open it. Once I have the package open I look inside and start pulling out the contents. I pull out a red piece of paper with my name on it, and a lot of sheet music, with lyrics underneath the staves. I grab one of the sheets and read the lyrics of Shania Twain's "You're still the one". I look through the box and see a bunch of more love song sheet music before hitting the bottom of the box. When I get to the bottom There is something else in there, I pull it out to see a notebook, I start flipping through it and see a bunch more sheet music, all blank, ready to be used by me.

I put everything in the box, grab the pretzels sitting on the counter and head back upstairs to my room. I get up there and snack on pretzels while writing music before I decide to lay down. I grab my phone and turn it on and see a notification that gave me a chill down my spine.

PRO HERO INGENIUM ATTACKED BY HERO KILLER, As I read and reread the headline I had a slight panic everytime it was read.

"I'm not sleeping easy tonight." I say to myself. Panicked I run downstairs and make sure everything is locked up multiple times over. I head back upstairs looking over my shoulder every other step. I get back to my room and close and lock the door behind me. I grab my phone and send Mina a link to the article followed by a text, Mina, please be careful tomorrow on your way home.

I lay in my bed and stay awake for the next hour and a half before finally falling asleep.

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