Back to the Future One Direction Fan Fiction

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August 2009

I'm a foreign exchange student. I came from America and came to Ireland. My name is Randy Dayz and I am not really supposed to be in Ireland. I go to school with Niall, but he goes to an all boy school. My friend signed me up for the program as a surprise and Niall assumed that I was going to be a boy. But I am a girl. He thought I was a boy because of my name, Randy. My real name is Miranda, but for short, everyone calls me Randy. 

I am allowed to stay for the time that I paid for. But it feels weird being the only girl in the entire school. The only other female is the art teacher. I made new friends. I met Mike. He is also from America and he is here for the program too. Everyone here is pretty much nice. But then Niall and I got into a fight. I was hanging out with Mike. He was teaching me how to the guitar and we were having a really nice moment until Niall kicked a soccer ball at us and spilled juice everywhere. 

He was yelling about how Mike and I were getting too close. But that is not Niall's choice if I can hang out with Mike. It's my choice.

So, now I am in my room in Niall's house chatting with my friend in America on video chat.

"So, how's Ireland?" Lola asked.

"It's going well," I replied.

"I'm still sorry about the whole mix up," she said. 

"It's fine. The whole point of the program is to see new places and learn new things right?" I smiled. 

"So, that means I did a good thing?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's one of the best things," I answered. We both laughed. 

But then I heard a big thud in the kitchen. "Shh. Did you hear that?" I asked Lola.

"I didn't hear anything," she answered.

"Someone's downstairs..." I said.

"What?! Call the police!" Lola said. She was really worried.

"I'm going to go check it out. I will email you later!" I ended the chat and shut the laptop.

I grabbed my guitar. It was the only thing in this room that I could use as a defense weapon. I held it like I was holding a baseball bat.

I walked down the stairs and went into the lighted kitchen. It was the middle of the night. 

I heard moving again. I swung the door open with my guitar in hand. Ready to swing. I was face to face with a tall blonde hair boy. 

"Umm... Hello Randy," he said.

How did he know my name? I swung my guitar, but he dodged it.

"What are you doing? You don't want to break such a lovely guitar," he said while dodging my swings.

"But I do want to break your face!" I said and swung again. 

"What? why? It's me! Niall!" he shouted. 

"No you're not!" I was at one end of the table and he was at the other. "NIALL!" I yelled. No one else was home and Niall was still upstairs sleeping.

The guy looked at me wide-eyed "Shh!" he said.

But I continued yelling. "NIALL!" The door swung open and I was relieved that Niall finally came to my aid. But it wasn't him, it was 4 other guys. 

I was speechless. One in a striped shirt walked towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders and said, "Quiet." I have taken self defense classes for two years now and flipped him. He was on his back staring at the ceiling. "Wow, Niall. You never told me she knew kung fu," he said. I reached for my guitar, but the blonde one swiped it. 

He looked at, "Isn't this the one I got for you?"

I didnt anwer his question. "I can still take you all down without a weapon." 

They all looked pretty terrified. I stood there with my fighting stance while the rest just stood there.

The door swung open and Niall finally arrived with a golf club in hand. 

Then the blonde one said, "See? That is a better weapon. A guitar is not a weapon."

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