Chapter 3

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"The future?!" I said. I think they put something in the potatoes in this country.

"Yeah. We from the year 2013," blonde Niall said.

"Oh, so we survived the end of the world?" I sarcastically said.

"Yeah..." he replied.

"I swear I must be dreaming. I look pretty handsome in the future," brunette Niall said. Both Nialls smiled.

Am I the only one who is freaked out about this?!

"So, if you're from the 'future'," I used my fingers as air quotes, "then what are you doing here? And who are the rest these people?"

"In 2010, I auditioned for the X Factor in the UK and got in. We were all individuals, but then we were placed into one group called One Direction. Then in the next two years, we are one of the best bands in the world," blonde Niall explained. 

Brunette Niall's jaw dropped. "Really?" he yelled with excitement.

They all nodded.

"So, why are you here?" I asked getting back on track.

"There was a serious accident in the future," blonde Niall answered.

"Shouldn't the proper grammar be 'There will be a serious accident in the future'?" I joked.

He sighed. "The accident involves you," he pointed at me.

"Me?" I said, shocked. "What happens?"

He was crying, "You died."

My heart just skipped a beat. "How?" I managed to say.

"It was all my fault," he said. "I didn't mean to do it! It was an accident! I would have never!" he cried some more. "I loved you," he finished.

I looked at brunette Niall. He wasn't denying it. He went along with it.

"Everytime I saw you with Mike, my jealousy grew," he said. 

Brunette Niall said, "Wait. So, Randy and Mike are dating in the future?"

Blonde Niall nodded.

Me and Mike? We did almost kiss before Niall kicked his soccer ball at us. I guess our connection grew when we went back to America. He and I lived in the same town, but went to different schools.

"What did you have to do with my death?" I asked.

"I knew Mike loved you a lot, but so did. From the beginning, I felt something between us. When I first brought you home from the airport, I knew you were a very special girl," he said.

I turned my head in brunette Niall's direction. "Is that true Niall?"

He just stared into my eyes. He finally spoke, "It's true."

I didn't know how to respond, "Then what happened?" I asked.

"We were still friends. But you were always with Mike. I just couldn't handle it anymore. When you were 19 years old, and so was Mike, I heard he was going to propose to you," he said.

I gasped. He was going to propose? I already met my husband?

Niall continued, "So, I followed you guys around in my car. You were at the parkm under a shady tree. He was playing the guitar for you. You both stood up, but he knelt down on one knee. He took out a small box. Before you could answer, I took out a gun and pulled the trigger," he was still crying.

"Oh my goodness! You tried to kill Mike!" I yelled.

"But I missed," he cried more. "I shot you..."

Brunette Niall and I were both shocked. "You're a monster!" i yelled. "You couldn't let me be happy!"

"I'm sorry!" he cried uncontrollably.

"Aren't the police looking for you?!" I yelled at him. 

Liam interrupted. "No one knows it was Niall who shot you. He drove off after he realized the mistake he made," he said.

"So now what?!" I yelled.

"The only way we can change the future is if we change now," Liam said.

"By doing what?" brunette Niall asked.

"Randy's going to have to leave Ireland. As soon as possible," blonde Niall stopped crying. 

"What?" Niall and I said.

"That's the only way. Niall said how his love for you and jealousy of Mike grew everyday. So, if you leave, he will forget about you," Louis explained.

"What about Mike?" I asked. We were meant to be.

"I don't know about Mike. But I do know nothing bad is going to happen to him," blonde Niall said.

There was no other choice. I had to leave. Leave Mike and Niall. I looked at brunette Niall and he was tearing up. 

"Alright," I finally said. "I'll pack up and leave in the morning." 

Blonde Niall hugged me one last time. "I'm sorry," he whispered. I pushed him away and walk towards the door. I did not look at either Niall in the eye. I looked at the band, "I'll keep my ears open for your music in the future." I faintly smiled. And left and went upstairs to pack.

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