Chapter 8

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We are so happy for Mike. He found the girl he's been searching for such a long time. 

"Ah, Liam. Isn't love magical?" Louis said.

I laughed. "Yeah, I guess it is Louis," I replied.

Everyone had a smile on his face.

"Well, I got to go guys. It was very nice meeting all of you!" Lola said.

"You too," we said in unison.

We all gave her a goodbye hug. Except for Niall. He went back into his dressing room.

Lola walked out the entrance and we went to go look for Niall.

"I hope Niall's alright. He's been acting very weird since yesterday," Harry pointed out.

I thought about it. Niall was acting strange. Something is bothering him and we're going to find out.


We busted into his dressing room and found him laying on the couch.

"You alright man?" Zayn asked him.

He turned the other way. "I don't want to talk about it," Niall muffled.

I patted his back. "Come on man. We care about you. We won't judge," I said.

He finally sat up. "You guys are probably going to think I'm crazy," Niall said.

We shook our heads. "No, we won't," Louis said.

Niall let out a deep sigh. "Don't you guys remember Randy? Like before we met her tonight?" he asked.

"The redhead? I don't remember an Asian with orange hair, but her name does sound familiar," Harry said.

Yeah, her name does sound familiar. Randy Days... It had a ring to it...

Niall continued talking, "Her hair used to be dark. I guess she dyed it. But you guys do somehow remember her, right?"

We all nodded. "yeah, I guess so," i said.

"Ok, we know her because we time travelled to the past," Niall stared at us waiting to hear our reaction.

Harry, Louis, Zayn, and I all looked at each other. Then we looked at Niall again.

He continued, "We traveled back to 2009 and changed it! It was because at first, I made a horrible mistake in 2013, so I had to keep it from happening."

"I feel like I watched this in a movie or something. It does sound very familiar," Louis confessed.

Yeah, maybe we did watch some science fiction movie.

"It wasn't a movie! It was real!" Niall jumped.

"So, what was this horrible accident you prevented this year?" I asked.

"Randy is alive right now. Well, in the other 2013, I killed her," Niall said.

We all jumped out of our seats. "How'd you kill her?! Why?!" I yelled.

"I loved her!" Niall shouted. He was crying.

"Why would you kill her if you loved her?!" Harry shouted back.

Niall was still crying. "She was always with Mike. It made me really jealous. I followed them around one day. I spotted Mike proposing to her. In 2013. And... And I couldn't control myself! I got a gun and pulled the trigger. I was trying to kill Mike, so I could have Randy. But... But I missed! I shot the person I loved, Randy..."

We were still shocked. I feel like I heard this story before. It's all coming back to me.

"I remember," i confessed. "We went back to 2009 to make Randy leave Ireland. So, Niall would forget about her and make sure no one gets hurt in the future!"

I looked at Niall and he seemed relieved that I remember now.

Now, everyone else was regaining his memory.

"Oh yeah! I remember now!" they all spoke at once.

Then we were all quiet.

I finally spoke, "So, I guess we did a good thing changing the past. No one is hurt  now."

"But I still love her," Niall said again.

I tried to comfort him, "We know you still love her. We also know Mike loves her too. If they were meant to be in the other 2013, then they are meant to be now... I'm sorry about that."

Niall just put his face into his hands. He was still upset.

All was quiet.

"So, what happened to the car we time traveled in?" Louis asked.

We all tried to remember, but we don't know where or when it could be.

"How did we get that car Niall?" I asked.

I lifted up his face. "You know, I can't really remember..." he said.


We all went back to the hotel.

We walked into the suite and there was Mike and Randy on the couch. They were watching a movie.

"What are you watching?" Liam asked.

"Back to the Future. The triology," Mike answered.

Randy was resting her head on Mike's shoulder. I felt a little angry.

We all sat around them and watched the movie.

"Great Scott!" the old man with the wild hair said. I guess he said that cause he remembered something.

Mike snapped his fingers. "Oh! I just remembered something! I will be right back Miranda!" he ran to his room.

Randy continued watching on movie.

I sat on the other end of the couch. I could see that she was trying to ignore me. 

"Randy?" I said.

She didn't move.

"You know I missed you, right?" still no response.

My eyes were starting to get watery. Zayn patted me on my shoulder. "It's alright man," he whispered.

I was going to try to say something again, but Mike came back.

He sat next to Randy, making the whole couch jump.

He held out a little box.

"Miranda, I wanted to give this to you on your birthday when we were in Ireland. But you left. Niall told me there was an emergency back home. But I always kept it with me, just in case if I saw you again," Mike said.

He handed the box to Randy. If it's a wedding ring, I swear I will choke him. Liam put his arm around my shoulder. I guess he knew I could't control myself. He held me back.

Randy opened the box. "Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" she held it for everyone to see. It was a diamond necklace. I could see that her eyes lit up. 

She hugged him. "Thank you Mike!"

"You're welcome Miranda. I love you," he said.

Now I was getting more jealous. Liam was still restraining me.

They both pulled away from the hug and looked into each other's eyes. 

Mike then put the necklace around her neck.

"I love you too," Randy said before hugging him again.

Now I was burning mad. Everyone else was cheering. "This calls for some ice cream!" Louis yelled.

"Louis!" Liam said. Liam knew I was angry about this.

Louis looked at both of us. "Sorry, but we have to celebrate! I'll give you more ice cream Niall," and walked into the kitchen.

I sighed. I guess ice cream will help me relieve some pain.

I watched Randy and Mike talking to each other. Mike making her laugh and smile.

I only broke her heart.

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