Daily Life #19 Memorable Surprise

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It has been a month since the Tokyo trip...
A month has come to an end

The city remains the same, but people with foreign faces started to appear, making their entrance in Ikebukuro, the City that never sleep. Various events occurred, some of it was nice, but the others are sorrowful and to the extent of annoying due to the involvement of a certain informant

Despite that the scarlet haired girl didn't change, she didn't follow up the flow of the events. She is a strong girl but now she has another troubling issues she have to take care...

And now it's May...
Of course some of you might now what it means when it's May...


"Chika-chan!", her best friend Yuka hugged her from behind.

Lately, Chika has been feeling down since the Tokyo Trip. The feeling of fuzzy and warm feelings she had for Izaya makes her feel guilty for liking a family member. Although she have to admit that she used to have feelings for Izaya when she was a child but she would never thought that things could get this serious.

"You seems out of it this lately, what's wrong?", Yuka asked her best friend worriedly. Well it's not like she could hide it forever.

"It's not really that important, I just have this weird feelings...", she sighed heavily. "Anyway I have to go home".

"What!? Why so soon!?", Yuka pouted.

"Can't tell you! Sorry!", Chika smiled playfully as she ran home.

She was in hurry, after all his birthday is getting closer since May started. Chika was hurried to Celty place, they're all going to have a cooking lesson led by Harima Mika. Simply to put, Seiji lovers going to teach them how to cook.

When she arrive, she's surprised that Anri also present too.

"Anri-senpai! Good evening", Chika said bubbly as she shake her hand excited.

"Chika-chan, good evening", Anri greet back.

The girls attention now focused in Mika Harima, as for Seiji he only watching from behind.

"So what are we going to cook?", Mika asked.

"Umm...I really want to make fatty tuna", Chika said with a blushing face.

The girls including Seiji and Shinra turned their attention to the scarlet haired girl. They can't help but squeak quietly seeing her adorable blush.

"Fatty tuna? Is everyone okay with it?", the cheery girl asked the others whether there are any objections.

"I'm fine with it, right Celty-san?", Anri smiled.

"Yes, we're okay", Celty typed in her PDA excitedly.

"So first cut the fish into slices...", Mika Harima tutored like a pro.

Chika as usual, taking notes in her notebook like when she's taking care of Shizuo.

Mika Harima explained clearly while the other start to cook on their own. Anri did well, Celty had some difficulties, and as for Chika...she failed miserably on her first attempt.

Few hours flew by, Anri and Celty finished their dishes while Chika still try her third attempt.

"It's kind of funny", Shinra commented seeing Chika poor cooking skill. "That my Celty and a holder of Saika could cook while a human can't".

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