A Perfect Day

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Asriel, Chara, and I were getting ready for school. Mom was downstairs making breakfast, dad was getting ready for his first day as the mayor. Everyone was so proud of him for winning the election. No doubt Gaster, Sans, and Alphys were already at the lab doing their science thing. Papyrus and Undyne would be heading to the presinct soon. I rushed down the steps. "Hey mom, what's for breakfast?" She smiled fondly. "Chocolate chip waffles and orange juice." I hummed. "Sounds great!" I never thought I'd finally find it. All those years of jumping timelines, searching for the perfect one and I was finally here. No war, no genocide. All monsters and human were happy on the surface. Best part was Sans, Gaster, Chara, and Asriel didn't know. They didn't know the hardships of the other timelines. They didn't die to break the barrier. Asriel didn't become a soulless flower. Chara didn't become a being of hate that took over my body. Mom and dad never separated. Papyrus never died. Gaster never fell. Sans never remembered the death and destruction he'd been put though, over and over again. They were oblivious to the other timelines. They were happy.


I fixed my tie for the millionth time. I was nervous, I've never had a position of power before. I was actually quite surprised when I won the election. Now I ran the city. It was my job to keep it safe. I'd work hard to keep crime rates down, Undyne and Papyrus are very good at their jobs so that shouldn't be hard, better the education and protection of the schools, fund charities for those in need, etc. It would be hard work, but I was ready. I was ready to make Ebott City a better place. "Well I'm off."
"Asgore, dear, wouldn't you like some breakfast?" My wife chided as the kids looked up from their plates. "I.."
"It is the most important meal of the day, Mayor Fluffybuns." I blushed. "T-Tori! F-fine, fine.. you are right." I gave in rather easily, going to sit with my family.


"Papyrus cut him off!" I cried, as we chased after some thug. It was supposed to be an arms dealing bust, that went a little south. If we got this guy, we'd be one step closer to shutting down the whole operation. "ON IT!" Papyrus veered away from me to take another path. Nothing got my blood pumping more than chases like this with my second. When I first met Papyrus in the academy, I never thought we'd be working side by side. He'd just never seemed like the type to be able to put criminals away. Give them a second chance instead. He proved me wrong. I pushed myself to go faster. I was gonna get this guy for sure! Then he tripped. On what I didn't know, but Papyrus was on him in an instant, explaining his rights as he cuffed him. "Oh man! Great job Papyrus! Ya got him!" I praised as the skeleton helped the perp up. Papyrus beamed. "WHY THANK YOU, UNDYNE, BUT I WAS MERELY FOLLOWING MY CHIEF'S ORDERS!"
"Well, sure, but you still got him! Take the win."
"NYEH HEH HEH. I'LL TAKE IT ONCE WE TAKE THESE DEALERS OFF THE STREETS." I nodded. "Fair enough. Let's get this guy locked up."


"Alphys, Sans, come here." I went to my superior, Sans came up behind me. "Take a look at these." Gaster pushed some papers to us. I skimmed through them, my eyes widening as I did so. Was he serious? "What do you think?"
"D-do you really think we can pull this off?" I stuttered nervously, wringing my claws together. "With our three minds, we can pull anything off." Gaster replied simply. "i don't know, doc. punching a hole through time and space? it doesn't really sit right with me. what consequences are there for doing something like this? there are to many unknown variables."
"I believe.." Gaster started slowly, trying to word it carefully to convince Sans. "That there will be no harm to the public or our family." Sans still looked skeptical. "why do you even want to do this?"
"Knowledge Sans. Knowledge is everything. Are you in?" He looked at us both expectantly. I answered without thinking. "O-of course!" 'Baka! There's no way we can pull this off!' I chided myself for willingly agreeing. Gaster looked to Sans. "i.. will join. only to make sure you don't do anything stupid, old man!"
"A yes is still a yes." Gaster chirped, clearly happy.

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