Sleep Walker

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After the lab explosion, Alphys checked on, and forced the three skeletons to take off for the next three days to rest. They all seemed ok, just oddly tired. Within the next two days, they slept alot. It worried Alphys, though Gaster did assure her that it was normal while their souls expelled the unknown energies they'd been exposed to. Today Gaster and Papyrus had woken up at a fairly normal time. Sans.. didn't. It was noon and he was still out. Gaster said he was the one most exposed. It was a weekend and Asriel, Chara, and I were taking turns playing video games.


This place was unfamiliar to me as I looked around some snowy woods. "where am i?" I started to walk forward. "papyrus? dad? frisk?" I noticed some red in the snow. That could either be Chara or Papyrus. "chara? pap?" I walked over. Papyrus' scarf in the snow. "ok.. weird.." Was he near? I knelt down to pick it up, noticing a thin layer of- "is that dust?" Papyrus? Dust? It didn't take long for two and two to click together. My grip tightened on the scarf.


I was raging at Frisk for dying again when I noticed Sans coming down the stairs. "Oh hey Comedian!" I greeted. He didn't answer back. He didn't even indicate that he heard me. "Comedian?" I called, slightly more concerned. Still nothing. "Sans?" Frisk paused the game and Asriel went to get the doctor. Sans finally did something other than stand there. His skull turned to face us. His sockets were pitch black and intimidating. I took a step back as the adults came in.


I watched them murder Undyne. They looked like Frisk, yet they had Chara's red eyes. I was sure they'd killed Papyrus too. I was gonna kill them for this. I knew I had magic, all monsters have magic, but we've never had reason to use it. Now I found myself using it to get to another unfamiliar place. A golden hall. How did I not recognize these places, yet know where they were? The child stepped in. "it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming.. on days like these, kids like you.. s h o u l d b e b u r n i n g i n h e l l ." Then I did something else I've never done before. I murdered them.


That stare. That deadly, blank, terrifying stare. They knew it all to well. "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" To little to late Frisk's soul turned dark blue and they found themselves dodging blasters and bones. Everyone tried to get to him, but he dodged like the pro he's always been. Even in this timeline, where nothing bad ever happened, he fought the same fight, used the same attacks. I could do this!


How did they keep coming back?! I was so confused, so frustrated. So e n r a g e d . They killed Papyrus, he'd done nothing wrong! He was the coolest little brother I could have ever asked for and they MURDERED him. I'll make them pay for their sins. Him, Undyne, Alphys, maybe Tori and Asgore too. I had to avenge them. I had to protect whoever remained. That was my goal now.


I was suspended in midair. I knew what was next, and I wasn't really looking forward to it. Why was Sans doing this? Did he know? Then I remembered something I was told in another timeline. Something about Sans having nightmares.. he's.. he's asleep! "Papyrus! Sans is asleep! He's using magic in his sleep! You're the only one who can get through to him!"
"S-sleep walking..?" Alphys asked. "Sleep fighting is more like it!" Undyne hissed. "SANS! BROTHER! PLEASE! WAKE UP!" Sans arm went left and I slammed painfully into the wall. "SANS!! WAKE UP! YOURE HURTING THEM!!" Papyrus  ran to his brother, in hopes of hugging him. Sans dodged, though Papyrus' fingers brushed against Sans chest. That seemed to do it as Sans gasped and grabbed the area where.. where I cut him..


I panted. It all felt so real. I really thought I died. I looked around. I was.. in the living room? "w-wha..?" Everyone was staring at me in concern, fear, bewilderment, etc. "Sans?" I looked over to see Frisk in midair. They looked worse for wear. "stars kid!" I lowered them to the ground, feeling overwhelmed. What had I done? "are ya ok?! what'd i do to ya?" Gaster grabbed my shoulder. "Alphys will check on them. I need to examine you, Sans."
"i.. i don't know what to say.. i'm.. so sorry.. i.. don't wanna hurt anyone.. ya gotta believe me!" I was desperate, overwhelmed, shocked. "I believe you, my friend.. go get checked on." I nodded numbly, letting Gaster lead me away. Tori was probably beyond angry. I just hurt her kid.


I watched Sans and Gaster leave as Alphys and mom ran to me. "My child, are you ok?!" She gasped. "I'm fine. I swear." I reassured. "Please don't be mad at him, mom. He was asleep." I pleaded. Mom scrunched her muzzle in thought. "I suppose.. I cannot blame him for actions he wasn't aware of..." She smiled. "You are so merciful, Frisk." She put a hand on my head. What did Sans know? "I hope Sans is gonna be ok."
"I-I'm sure he w-will. N-now. Where d-does it hurt?" Alphys asked.

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