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They were funny. They thought they could stop me? Keep me from Frisk? I WILL get that human. I WILL use it's determination to fix and better the other timelines. I will bare this burden to stop Sans and Papyrus' suffering. All it takes is a little bit of sacrifice. Frisk's sacrifice. I looked at the machine. "Now all I need is their soul." I knew were that was. They were so predictable. I teleported home and stalked towards Sans bedroom. With a ping I jerked the child towards me only to drop them when Sans' blaster attacked me from the side. "Give them to me!"
"in you're dreams, pal. turn around or have a bad time." His eyelights disappeared, replaced with a flaming blue left eye. He summoned a bone attack. "keep working. i'll take care of him."


Holy... "Since when is Sans so freaking cool?" My eyes glittered in sickening anticipation as the sounds of battle raged in the house. "I surely hope they will replace what was broken. "C-can we get back t-to work as Sans s-suggested?" I nodded. "Yeah. Stay close Frisk." Papyrus' gaze lingered on doorway before he joined us.


I was worried. I've never really seen Sans lift a finger except for that one time in his sleep. That was in his sleep though. Now he was awake and actively fighting our father. I didn't know what to think. I know now that Sans has some unique abilities from the nightmares, but I've dreamt of the time when Sans was the first to die and I was the last. He wasn't invincible, as much as I wished he was. Why did dad want Frisk anyway? Was it his whole knowledge thing? What was he planning? I couldn't let him have them. "I'm going to help Sans, I'm no good at this anyway." I summoned an attack of my own.


I was slammed into the wall by dad's hands. I summoned a blaster to divert his attention while I broke free of them. I sent a surge of bone attacks at him as he canceled my blaster with one of his own. He then teleported out of the way. I dodged away from him as his attack stabbed through the wall. Was he actually trying to kill me? "c'mon g, can't we talk this out?"
"I can't begin to understand why you can't see what I see? We are both scientists. You can't tell me your not the least bit curious."
"i'm not. the nightmares are making you erratic and twisting your judgment. that is why this needs to stop!" Gaster stabbed a bone downwards and I teleported away again. "This will NOT stop. I WILL get that child. You are only delaying the inevitable. We both jumped away as another blaster went off. Seemed Papyrus was joining us.


It seemed this had become a family matter once again. With Papyrus here, fighting them both off at once would be difficult. In this timeline, Undyne held no power. I grinned. I told you, I will get them." I was about to teleport, but my soul felt heavy as Papyrus used his soul magic on me. "I figured you'd like some help, brother."
"shoulda stayed upstairs. we are the only ones who know the full extent of our magic."
"Which means Undyne and Toriel couldn't protect them.." Papyrus realized. "well, we got him just hold him there.." Sans pulled something out of his pocket. "When did you have time to take those?"
"i've had a lot of time, actually." My sockets widened as I got a look. Papyrus' magic canceling handcuffs. I tried to break the effect, but I was stuck. Sans tightened them around my wrists. The fight was over. "I'll take first shift, she needs your science." Sans nodded. "good luck bro.."


The sounds of fighting stopped. We stopped what we were doing. Was it over? Did they win? Or was I going to get kidnapped by Badster? "alright. where were we?" Sans poked his head in. "What happened?" I asked. "Did you get him..?" He smiled and put a hand on my head. "heh heh. yup. he's locked up with pap watching him downstairs. can't hurt ya no more." He reassured. "how's it going? almost done?" He asked Alphys. "Y-yes actually! If you could help me w-with one more th-thing."
"here. let me.." With that, it was finished. A small little gun looking thing. "i know exactly who should go first, too." We all followed Sans downstairs. "heya doc."

3 chapters left

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