No Such Thing as Perfect

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I paused as I felt one of my counterparts here. Was he going to be hidden- nope. He was sitting casually in dad's office chair while the other scientists processed what they were seeing. "hey classic. get my message?" Classic hehed. "we did. that's a neat little trick you taught yourself. training's been going well."
"it has. remind me to thank g tonight."
"hey pg, i'm classic sans, the original. don't worry, i'm not here to drag ya off to the void." Dad visibly relaxed. "Meeting other me's had been an experience.. you look exactly like PS.. or should I say PS looks exactly like you?"
"either way works." Classic and I said in unison. "W-wait.. w-what's going on..?" We looked at one another. "there's no fixing us, al."
"Indeed, it was a good try, but that gun machine you built merely showed us the bigger picture."
"and helped us, er, control these abilities. so.. thank you for that."


It was just me today. Undyne wasn't feeling well, and stayed home so I was free to roam the streets on my own. I truly did like patrolling. Greeting the citizens, helping out with smaller problems, the occasional pick pocketer or two, it was much slower paced than what Undyne and I usually did. While I like fast pace, it was nice to slow down once in a while. I noticed three familiar faces. "FRISK, CHARA, ASRIEL SHOULDN'T YOU BE AT SCHOOL?"
"It is community service day for the children, Papyrus." Toriel was helping MK help a librarian carry books. "OH I SEE."
"Asriel, Frisk, and I are emptying public trash bins for the shops!" Chara chirped. "WELL LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY HELP, I'M PATROLLING TODAY." I waved and continued on my way.


I paced the room deep in thought. This was great news! I think.. how will the others take it though? Eventually I'd have to take off work too, when things got to difficult. I placed a hand on my abdomen. Pregnant. I was pregnant with Alphys child. Stars she's going to freak out. I can't wait until she gets home! Feel bad for ditching Papyrus though..


I continued my patrol. How odd. I should have run into some sort of crook- "HELP!" Never mind! Here we go! I raced after the shout. I'm coming, tiny child! I couldn't tell who it was, but it was definitely a child's voice. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Now that I was closer.. that was Chara? "CHARA!" Asriel confirmed, not in a good way. I rounded into an alleyway of trashbins. Stars don't they know never to go into a shady, dark alleyway? It's a recipe for trouble. The children in question were surrounded by four adults. "HALT IN THE NAME OF THE LAW, IF YOU RELEASE THEM NOW, I WILL LET YOU GO WITH A WARNING." The humans turned. "We were just playing." A female said innocently. "YOUR FRIENDS GRIP ON MY FRIENDS SHIRT SUGGESTS OTHERWISE, MISS. PLEASE, I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN." My right eye sparked with magic. A quiet warning. The other human, another female, dropped Chara. "We can take this guy, right?"
"Dude! He's a cop!"
"Oh please he's all bark, no bite." I sighed and turned their souls blue. The gravity manipulation pulled them all to their knees. "YOU ARE RIGHT, I AM ALL BARK, BUT YOU'LL FIND I'D RATHER NOT BITE IF I CAN. YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST FOR ASSALT ON MINORS." I cuffed them one by one and led them to the squad car while the children ran to Toriel.


So much for working today. Alphys and dad had been asking question after question and Classic and I answered to the best of our ability. "hey look, pap's home."
"Which means Undyne is home too." I checked the time. "and tori and the kids. guess everyone is meeting you while you wait for ink to pick you up." Classic sighed. "guess so."
"Hopefully it won't be that bad.." I opened the door to children playing video games, with Toriel, Undyne, and Papyrus talking on the other side of the room. I wonder what happened. "hey pap, remember classic?" Papyrus looked over while everyone gaped at the similarities of Classic and I. "OH! HELLO CLASSIC! I WASN'T AWARE THAT YOU WERE COMING OVER."
"heya law. kids doing ok i hope." Classic grinned. "ACTUALLY.. THEY WERE NEARLY MUGGED TODAY.." Papyrus laughed while Classic's sockets went dark. "did you give them a bad time?" Papyrus heald his arms up. "They are in jail, if that's what your asking." Classic relaxed. "it'll have to do." Frisk ran over, hugging Classic. "Sans!"
"help. not used to physical contact from humans."
"wrong sans, kiddo." Frisk looked over. "I don't understand. I thought you three were fixed?"
"Human.. there is no such thing as perfect."


I went over to my girlfriend and Toriel. Asriel and Chara were over there now too. "I don't understand.. did Sans clone himself or something?" Chara asked. "N-nope. That is Sans from another universe all together. Undyne grumbled. "W-what's wrong? Undyne?"
"Nothing, nothing. They just picked a bad time to reveal that is all. I glanced over. There was a third Sans with them now. He must have been Ink. "D-do you have news?" I asked she nodded. "O-one moment please." I skittered over to the five skeletons. "H-hate to be a bother, but c-could you two c-come back another day?"
"yeah. sure. we had to get going anyway. see ya tonight, guys." They bid everyone adiu and I turned to Undyne. "N-now what is it?" What I heard next had me squealing with joy.

That was probably extremely random, but today feels like one of those days. One of my extremely random, everywhere and nowhere at the same time days. Sometimes I wonder if I should be writing on days like today. Either way, have a good morning/afternoon/night!


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