Something is up with those Skeletons

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When they entered Sans bedroom, it wasn't the pigstie they both had been expecting. The only mess was the bed. The furthest corner had a self sustaining tornado. Two empty tables were pressed against the equally empty wall. "that's where we'll be working." Sans muttered. "just need to gather some equipment and we can begin."
"Never in any if the timelines have I seen your room so clean.."
"i like a tidy workspace, what can i say." The skeleton pulled his disappearing act to fetch some equipment.


"PAPYRUS DID WHAT!?" He's skipping work again? This is the second time. Damnit! Now he was affected too! He's never skipped out on work before. What the hell was going on in their skulls? Why was this happening? Sans and Gaster had gone distant, Gaster getting over obsessed with his work while Sans stopped working all together. Now Papyrus was skipping too.. were we going to grow apart? Was I going to lose my best friend to some weird science blast? I grit my teeth. Screw it, after work I'm confronting those skeletons.


I still couldn't get into the lab.. I was heading to my room when I noticed Sans room, of all bedrooms cracked open, just a tad. Curiosity got the better of me. "pap, the needle nose pliers please." Sans asked. "HERE BROTHER."
"So without Gaster or Alphys, what are our chances of making you both better?" Frisk asked. Getting them better? Frisk was in on this? Won't Toriel be mad that they aren't at school? "with al the chances would be about 48%. without her, we're looking more towards 20% chance of success."
"heh. i'm good, but i'm not that good. when it comes to machines, or reversing their effects, alphys or gaster is a much better choice. i work better in the actual quantum physics area which is how i knew we were seeing into other parallel universes and timelines." He concluded. They could do WHAT?! "HUH. ALPHYS ISN'T BUSY WITH GASTER HAVING THE LAB LOCKED UP. SHALL I RETRIEVE HER?"
"It would increase our chances of success." Frisk inputted. "eh. why not. i'd rather be normal, than anything." I slammed the door open in a burst of curious excitement! Only to flinch away at the attention I brought it myself. "Uh.. I-I am r-ready to.. uh.. help in any way I can.." Sans grinned. "welcome to the party."


Where in stars name is my child?! Chara and Asriel had no clue. They'd said Frisk hadn't rode the bus today. This was highly unusual and I hoped it didn't become a habit. One thing was for sure, I was going to lecture them for this. And stars help me if those skeletons encouraged this sudden behavior of theirs.


Toriel and I were both going after those skeletons, and apparently Frisk was doing weird things too. Thing was.. they weren't in their usual spots. Papyrus would be in the kitchen and Sans on the couch. "Where are they..?" Toriel huffed. "I'll bet Sans is asleep in his room." Well it was something. We both went to Sans... open... door.. "That's weird." Inside wasn't just Sans, but all of them. Even Alphys. "F-Frisk, could you get me a..." The science went above my head, but the kid seemed to know what she was talking about as they went to another table to get whatever it was. They brought it to her. "Th-thank you. Papyrus hold that while I install this.."
"LIKE THIS?" Papyrus got a grip on the machine? "just like that." Sans nodded. "you're really getting to know your stuff kid, good job." They beamed. "Anything to help you guys!"
"What in stars name is going in here?" Toriel demanded. They all froze. "U-um.."
"The faster this is reversed the faster things go back to normal!" Frisk assured. Toriel and I exchanged a glance. "What is happening?"
"we are seeing through timelines and i don't know about pap, but it's screwing up my perception of reality. that's why i've been.. distant." Papyrus was nodding. "INDEED. IT'S SCREWING WITH OUR FATHER'S HEAD TOO." I went blank. It sounded like a plot from an anime. "Seriously..?" I asked. "Y-yes, seriously." Alphys replied. I went silent. "How do we help?" Toriel asked.

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