Part 16

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Lying in bed later that night, Ethan stared up at the ceiling.
Watching the blades on the ceiling fan whirl around. His
mind pondering the next mornings possibilities.
Julianne rested her head on Ethan's shoulder as she
draped her arm over his bare chest. Once again Julianne's
mind was uneasy. Even though the ceiling fan spinning
through its cycles made a rhythmic noise in the room, the
nothingness surrounding that noise crept in as worries and
doubts for Julianne.
She decided to hush them.
She snaked her arm down Ethan's stomach, reaching for the
band around his briefs, knowing it was the only thing he had
on. Tucking her fingers under the elastic band, she took
hold of his manhood. Squeezing it softly.
Ethan blinked, moaning internally. A signal Julianne took as
pleasurable acceptance and desire for her to continue. She

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