Chapter 26

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I groan as I walk towards the main doors. I angrily push the doors open and storm over to Jord and Zander's car. I angrily punch the hood.

"Hey, don't beat up my car." I hear Jord's voice say. I look up and see him walking over to me. I storm over to him. "This is all your fault. You and your psycho ex's fault." I angrily say and he  looks at me.

"Babygirl I..." I cut him off. "No this is your fault. I got in some dumb fight with your psycho ex. She almost kissed you. I just got mad. It's her fault. And now dad's going to kill me. I have OSS for 2 weeks. 10 fucking days thanks to your damn Ex." I angrily say and Jord looks at me.

He sighs and wraps his arms around me. I slowly melt into his touch. "I hate you." I whisper. Jord rubs my back. "I know Babygirl. You can hate me all you want." He says and I sigh.

I slowly pull away. "Can I have your keys? I need to drive home. I'll come pick you guys up after school." I say and Jord smiles. "You're adorable Babygirl." He says as he unlocks the car and climbs into the drivers side.

I roll my eyes and smile as I climb into the passenger seat. I buckle in and Jord starts driving to I'm assuming my house. It's very quiet in the car. But not an awkward silence. It's a calm silence.

Jord pulls into the driveway and dad's car is gone. I sigh "he's probably out spoiling his girlfriend and wasting his money on shit for the baby." I mumble and Jord doesn't say anything.

Instead he climbs out of the car and walks over to the passenger side. He opens the door and unbuckles me. He lifts me up and carry's me over to the garage. He puts the code in and the garage door opens. I look at him confused.

"Everyone in the pack knows alpha Knightly'a code. Incase there's an emergency they won't have to bang in the door until someone opens it." Jord explains. "Oh well that makes a lot of sense." I say and Jord chuckles. He carries me inside. He closes the garage door behind us and walks into the house.

"Where to Miss Stone?" Jord asks and I smile. "Well Mr.Cross I'm thinking the bedroom is a good place to go." I say and Jord smiles. "That sounds lovely." He says as he carry's me up stairs and into my room.

He places me on my bed and sits next to me. "How about a movie?" Jord suggests and I smile. "Ohh there's this new movie. Well it's not new it came out like a few years ago, but apparently there's a sequel and I really want to watch them." I excitedly say and Jord smiles.

"Ok what are they called?" Jord asks. "The first one is called After and the second one is called After We Collided." I say and Jord looks at me. I roll my eyes. "I don't make the titles just put it on." I demand and he looks at me almost like he's confused. "Please." I quietly say and he nods.

He puts the movie on. I smile and get a blanket. I throw it over a Jord and I. I then lift up his arm and rest my head against his chest. Jord smiles and kisses the top of my head.

We watch the whole first movie and now we're watching the second one. And I'm getting a little antsy. Not because the movie is boring or anything like that, the movie is really good. But the mate bond is really strong right now. And I want Jord. Like really badly.

I sigh and wiggle a little. "What's wrong?" Jord asks and I look at him. "Nothing." I say as I rest my head against his chest. "Well something is wrong you're very wiggly." He says and I look at him yet again.

I then hide my face. "I want you. Like really badly want you." I whisper. Jord looks at me and smirks. "Awww Babygirl do you want me to pleasure you." I slowly nod and hide my face even more.

He smiles and lifts me up. I laugh as he flips us so he's hovering over me. "Before we start these have to go." He says referring to my clothes.

He takes them off. Well all except for my bra and underwear. He quickly gets undressed and smirks. He crawls between my legs and kisses my neck.

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