part 2

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Hey guys! i wanted to update again because i cant sleep so yeah, enjoy reading <3

April 12th, 2018
Heathers pov:

Me and nat, and the rest of the girls sat on the bleachers. Waiting to be put in our groups for volleyball, me and nat were on the same team. Me, nat, and the rest of the group went to stand in our spots. Me and nat gave each other high fives and the rest of the girls went to the other group.

Moe was on the other team, thank fuck. She was staring at me, clenching her jaw. She looked upset that we weren't on the same team. I smirked at Moe and got in position, flipping my hair to the side. She didn't take her eyes off me. The game began and i stayed close to the front but not too close.

Moe ran up and hit the ball, making her team score a point. The team cheered and i rolled my eyes. She smirked and continued being a bitch. The game went on for 3 more minutes of both teams scoring points. I got closer and closer to the front, just because i am taller and can get our team more points.

I jumped and Moe hit the ball, the ball hit my face and i fell, my shoes slipping. I hit the hard gym floor hard, everyone began laughing. I tried to get up and nat ran up to me, "Heather omg are you okay?!!" Moe pushed her out of the way. "She's fine. Get up." She told me, she held out her hand. I scoffed until she looked serious.

I looked at her and she wiggled her hand, asking me to grab her hand. I looked at her hand and took it, she pulled me up a bit and i felt relieved. Until she pushed me back on the floor and got on top of me. Everyone gasped and i groaned, my back hurting. She snickered.

She got closer to my face, "You really thought i'd help you?" She chuckled. I clenched my jaw. "Get the fuck off of me." She pinned my arms down. "I told you. Stay out of my way, if you are that desperate there are a group of lesbos in the library. I bet they'd  sit on your lap for free." She exclaimed. I sighed, "You mean you'd sit on my lap for free." I whispered.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't fuck with me Nill." She got even closer to my face, biting her lip then getting off of me. Going back to her side, i sighed and nat helped me up.

She was worried about me, "She is such a piece of shit." Nat whispered, i nodded. Wiping myself off, "That's Moe truax for ya." i replied. Nat shook her head, "Cmon lets get you to the nurse." Nat grabbed my hand and walked me down.

I got an ice pack for my face and went back to the gym, the girls playing basketball. Until the bell rang. All of the girls went to the dressing room and we changed back into our clothes. Nat went to her next period early, catching up on homework. I was late for next period, i was still changing.

I heard the door open and i sighed. I was the only girl in here until now. I looked over and it was moe. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "What are you stalking me now?" I asked putting on my skirt. She looked me up and down. "Nope, seems like you are following me." I shook my head, "Right."

She came up to me, i took off my shirt and put my tank top back on. She was staring at my chest. "May i help you?" I asked. She shook her head, "Look i'm sorry about earlier.." She exclaimed. I scoffed, "Yeah sure." She cleared her throat, "I am."

I nodded, "Totally." i put my clothes away and walked to my next period. She followed slowly behind me since we had all of the same classes. I made it to my seat, my teacher marking me late, same with Moe. Moe sat behind me, i tried to avoid her as much as i could.

I was fine, just twirling a strand of my hair with my finger. Until i heard a voice behind me, "Pst." I sighed, looking back. Moe handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it and rolled my eyes, grabbing it and turning back around. I opened it and it was a note.

"Hey i really am sorry.."

I nodded, not believing her excuses. I crumbled the paper and gave it back to her. She sighed, i turned back around. Biting down on my pencil. She kept trying to get my attention throughout the whole class period.. But it never worked. Since when would she want talk to me anyways?

It was finally the best time of the day. Lunch. With Natalie. I walked to my locker, putting my stuff away and going to her locker next. We waved and hugged, walking to lunch. While we were in the line i asked, "Hey Moe tried to apologize to me for hitting me in my face with the volleyball earlier." I exclaimed. Nat raised her eyebrows.

"What?..Really? Truax being nice to you?...Strange." She sighed. I nodded, "I know right? I mean isn't it weird? She hates me, and this day she just forgets about everything?" I asked. Nat shook her head, "Im telling you. She likes you." I sighed, "No, its not possible- i mean she is such a bitch to me, there is no way? And she's not even gay." I replied.

"You don't know that.. Maybe being a grumpy bitch all the time is expressing her feelings for you.." Nat told me. I began to think, what if it was true? But she's always talking about her sex life and how she's fucked over 10 dudes. I was curious but i decided to just leave it alone..For now anyways.

Me and nat got our lunch and sat down at our own table. We talked for a few minutes until a girl approached Natalie, "Hey Natalie come sit with us, we need to talk." Nat looked at me, i nodded that she can go. She licked her lips, getting up.

I was now alone, just sipping on my juice. Eating some of my fries. Until a shadow was on the table, i stared at it for a second, then looking up. It was as you probably guessed, Moe. I sighed, "What do you want now. Make fun of me how even more fat i am for eating fries? How much i've changed? What's next moe."

She sighed, "I just want to talk." I got up, "I'd rather not." I threw away my food and went to the library, trying to get her off of my mind.. Why am i even thinking about her in the first place.. What is going on?

Moe's pov:

I ended up throwing my lunch away also, pissed that heather won't just talk to me. I mean i have had a crush on the girl since like the 7th grade but god she was so aware of her surroundings i never really see her.

Soon after it was the last period of the day, i didn't want to face heather just to see her roll her eyes and scoff at me. I hated seeing her roll her eyes, especially if she wasn't rolling them to me fucking her.

I got to 7th period and saw heather talking to one of her friends, i sighed and sat down.. Trying something. She looked at me and i hit my vape, we had a sub for chemistry so i didn't care if i got caught or not. I inhaled the nicotine and looked at heather, she was still staring at me. I blew the smoke out and clenched my jaw. She bit her lip, looking back up front.

God she was so fucking hot. I looked at her, just taking a better look at her. She was wearing that white high skirt and a tank top, it made her breasts sit perfectly. I imagined the dirtiest things about her. I didn't understand, was i falling for my ex best friend? Or was i just fucking around?...

Hey guys, sorry but I'm ending part 2 with this, I'm soo tired now lmao- i'll update sometime tomorrow hopefully, thank you for all of the feedback already on my story! i appreciate it <3

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