And Off We Went

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Rebecca pov
Hey I'm Rebecca Forman. I'm 21 years old. Single and live alone. I left home when is was 17 because I was no longer able to live the lifestyle I was living. My sorry ass excuse of a dad used to abuse me and my moms and I couldn't take it . So me and my mom moved out from New York to Cali. He later found us and lives with my mom. My mom bought me a house when I was 17 and been paying my bill since.

Beep beep be-
Hitting my alarm I woke up getting ready to get ready for an excting day. I'm going to a meeting to find out weather I got accepted to this dance academy. Dancing is the #1 thing I love to do. It's truly my passion. My inspiration is the amazing Chris Brown. He is truly talented when it comes to dancing and singing. His art is really dope too. I'm not really into him as far as having a crush on him like so many other females. He's cute and all but I like his talents.

Getting out my thoughts I got out of bed proceeding to my bathroom to do hygiene.

Lady in the glass dress. I can see right through you. You act like yo-

Answering my phone I saw a pic of my best friend Seiko meaning she was the one calling

"Hey Seiko" I said

"Hay girl you getting ready I'm almost there"

"Yea let me know when you outside"

"Okay girl see you in a few"

"Okay later"

Making sure everything in my room was clean my red beats pill XL randomly starts playing Chris Brown's new X album.

"Who said you can't find love in the club. Cause I wanna tell them they wrong."

"Honk honk"

Oh that must be Seiko I thought as I went to the door. As I hopped in the car Seiko greeted me.

"Hay baby girl" Seiko said

"Hay Seiko" I said kissing her cheek

"So you ready for the meeting" Seiko said

"Uh yea I just don't know about me getting accepted" I said

"Girl you have got to be more confident in yourself if you keep doubting yourself you won't get anything you want so stop being so negative." Seiko encouraged me

"I know I know but I can't help but think of the worst but I'll try to be more confident in myself thanks" I said

"Good so lets go before you late." Seiko said pulling off
And off we went.

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