She Bad Tho

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Chris pov

"Yo you picked out who you want yet for the dancing free for all shit um ion know but did you pick." Keeis said laughing with everybody

"Uh yea but I saw this one chick on there and I had to pick her she bad as fuck." I said

" Nigga you ain't supposed to be looking for hoes to fuck you supposed to be givin them opportunities to dance with you and have fun dumb ass." Mijo said

" Yall ugly motherfuckers gonna stop talking to me like dat or imma be looking to slap all y'all." I said taking a hit of my blunt

" Whatever how this hoe look" Red said laughing

"Oh so now yall caring and shut up calling her a hoe yall ain't even see her" I said

"Aw shit shawty must be bad as fuck cuz he all defending her aint even meet her yet." Keeis said

"Nah yall just talk crazy but look bad as hell aint she" I said showing them a pic of the girl

"Damn she is bad thats why yo ass whipped." Red yelled laughing with everybody

I got up and slapped all them

"Yo what the fuck nigga!" They all yelled

"What I told yall to quit talking to me right so im slappin him for sayin what he said and alla yall for laughing fair enough." I said smiling

"And will it be fair if we get up and jump ya ass." Mijo said

"And that'll be why ya pussy as fuck" I said taking a hit " I'm bout to be about tho"

" You to ya hoe for quick nut" Red said

"Nigga and if I'm is" I said

"Shit well excuse the hell outta me I know yo pussy whipped ass goin anyways what's ha name Shannana" He said laughing with everybody

"Un uh oh my goodness" I said laughing with them

"Iight I'm out tho"

Truth is yea im going to get a quick nut but ha name ain't no damn Shannana her name shit ion even know. I thought to myself getting in my car I laughed at the thought.
Rebecca pov

"Did he send it out yet Ree" Seiko

" It's gonna be out in 2 minutes" I said

"5..4..3...2.....1 Bing"

"AHHH it sent out and BITCH I GOT ACCEPTED!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

"Omg that's amazing what it says" Seiko said super happy

"Okay it says dear Rebecca Forman congratulations you have been selected by Chris Brown himself to attend the Symphonic Love dance camp with this acceptance you have a chance to become Chris Brown's official dancer and will go on tour and reherse with him as well. Tomorrow at 12:30 sharp you must be there with a printed copy of this information. Once again congratulations and enjoy!" I read out loud

"Omg I'm so happy for you boo I really am you deserve it. You need to hurry and get some sleep tho so you'll be all set for tomorrow. Seiko said

"Okay I love you thanks for being there boo"

"No problem baby girl she said kissing my cheeck. I'm out tho"

"Iight later babe"
At Chris house

"So you sent out the acceptancy letters?" Minor asked

"Uh yea I got everyone even that bad ass chick too I bet she can dance shit she can dance with me anytime under these covers even." I said while everybody laughed

"I'm tellin yall this nigga whipped and aint even met the hoe yet take the wheel" Red said

"Nigga you must really wanna get slapped told y'all to shut up calling her a hoe" I said

"Whatever pussy whipped ass nigga" Keeis said laughing with everybody

"Man fuck yall ion care y'all mad" i said
They think I'm playin but she bad tho.

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