What A Night

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Rebecca pov
In the morning

"Morning baby girl!" Seiko yelled

"Hay baby" I said laughing at her loudness

"So how was the date with Chris"
"Correction it wasn't a date we went out with his friends" I said eating my bagel

" Whatever it's only a matter of time before y'all do go on a date or even begin dating"

"Well that would be right because he asked me last night and he kinda kissed me and I kissed back" I said quickly

"WAIT HOE YALL DID WHAT?!?" Seiko said loud as fuck

"Damn must you be so loud" I said holding my head

" sorry babes I'm just really happy for you"

"Iight we here have fun with bae" Seiko said

"Shut up Seiko he's not my bae" I said laughing

"Mhm that's why you cheeks red as hell"

"Whatever bye boo" I said kissing her cheek

"Later call me after yalls date"
During the date

"So tell be about yourself Chris" I said

"You don't know me already" he said kinda of shocked

"Yea but I don't care about that bullshit I wanna know the real you" I said

"Well there isn't much to know tbh I'm a mommas man. Very goofy. Love to dance sing and paint. Nothin much but yeah" Chris said

"Wow that's really interesting honestly your really talented.. I'm sorry I don't mean to act like a fan girly but your really dope" I said staring at him fascinated

He chucked "Its cool I'm just interested in many things and work to be the best at it" he said

"Thats awesome I wanna thank you for picking me to be in the camp tho" I said after a moment of us just looking at each other

"Oh yea it was no problem honestly I actually hand picked you only the rest were just random cause you looked like you knew what you was doin out there"

"Aw thanks I really tried cause I've been denied so many times and I really wanted this and hopefully I can prove myself to you so I could go on tour with you" I smiled at him

"Yea but there's gonna be a lot more dancing for you to do before you end up going on tour with me I wanna make sure you is good enough and not jumping on my stages lookin all crazy and shit" Chris said chuckling

Honestly it kinda made me worry but I'm up for the challenge

"I got this I can dance very well and will this opportunity people all over will be calling me to dance and I may even become a hotter dancer than you" I said cockily

"I don't know about all that I'm bomb as fuck when dancing so I'm sorry you can't be better than me unless you wanna battle?" He challenged

I thought about it doubting myself but I accepted anyways cause I got this

"Yea let's do this shit."

"Bet. If I win you pay be a good 50" he said

"$50 it is" I said shaking his fairly large hand compared to my small one

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