Home I go

368 18 1

Rebecca pov
At The meeting

As Seiko pulled up in from of the building I was attending the meeting at I hesitantly got out the car until Seiko pushed me out.

"Damn girl go! You just was rushing me to get here now ya slow ass wanna take all day" She said laughing

"Okay almost made me fall on my face." I said catching my balance.

"Love you too, and good luck!" She said pulling off.

I continued on into the building walking to the front desk.

"Um hi I'm here for a meeting to find out if I'll be accepted her at Cali dancing Inc." I said politely

"And you are" The front desk lady said rudely

Ignoring her rudeness I replied as nicely as possible.
"Rebecca Forman"

"Forman Forman Rebecca Forman.. Oh down the hall last door to your right." She said still with a rude tone.

"Thanks" I said and walked off
As I entered the room I see a man and two women sitting at a long conference table.

The man walks up to me.
"Hello I'm Mr.Dinz you must be Rebecca"

"Yea that's me" I reply back politely

"These ladies here are Ms. Watts and Ms. Robins" Mr.Dinz said

"Nice to meet you" They both said

"Same to you" I said

"Alrighty so we've received your applications and your grades and we are impressed with you being a straight A student but unfortunately we are sorry to tell you that you've been declined to join the Cali dancing Inc. we are sorry." He said apologetically as my mouth literally dropped open

I was actually taken back by what he said but once it went through I was disappointed yet not surprised.

"Um it's fine thanks for having me though" I said holding back my tears as my voice cracked

"Your welcome thank you for being here we are sorry once again" He said and I left.
In the car

"So how did you take the great news?" Seiko asked me happily once I got in the car

"I took it bad because I didn't make it" I said starting to cry

"Aww baby girl don't cry I'm sure you'll get somewhere soon if not those ppl are dum for not being able to see how talented you are. Trust me I've seen you dance and your absolutely amazing. And your smart as a whip.Tell you what how about we go out to get your mind off of things just me an you huh?"

"Thanks Seiko but I'd rather just stay home. The only thing that could possibly get my mind off of things is some damn ice cream and fucking cartoons so can you just take me home"

"Okay boo" She said
Home I go

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