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Chris pov

Don't think I'm pussy but as a natural instinct I began to run to my car fast as hell. I'm sorry but I ain't finna die. My family and Team Breezy need me fuck that.

"Chris CHRIS WAIT!" I stopped turning around because I heard a female like voice calling me. I looked at the person running towards me slowing down as they got closer to finally reveal it being Rebecca

"Omg why you run so damn fast jeez" Ree said as I chucked

"That ain't funny nigga" she said hitting my chest softly

"Iight so what you want" I said

She sighed "look Chris you know I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for blaming you we both are in the wrong and I was being petty and childish for doing what I did out in Toronto" she said.

Damn right you in the wrong."Man I can't even stay mad at you, to be honest I was never mad. I mean yea it hurt that you cheated but I did too and like you said we both are in the wrong. I forgive your apology and I still wanna make things right with us. You wit it?" I said finally

"Yes of course I love you Chris " she said crushing her lips to mine of course I kissed back. We were interrupted when we heard sudden claps and everyone walked from behind the parked cars. Red Mijo Keeis Jamal Seiko all them.

"When the hell yall got here and why yall here" Ree asked just as confused as myself

"Well we kinda followed yall because we wanted to talk to yall and see how yall was doing but I guess yall figured it out yall selves so that's great" Red said as everyone else agreed nodding they heads

"Oh well we fine now and it's gonna stay that way" Ree said

"Iight that's great so let's go back to Chris place and chill why not?" Seiko suggested

"Yea we can do that it's only 1:45" I said looking down at my Rolex watch

We all pilled into my range rover and I pulled off going to my house.
Next morning

I woke up on the couch with Ree wrapped in my arms sound asleep.

Carefull not to wake her I slid from under her and placed her softly back on the couch. I was about to walk to the downstairs bathroom but I nearly almost killed myself tripping over Red who was on the floor along with Mijo Seiko and Jamal.

When tf did these niggas get here. Whatever I guess. I proceeded to the bathroom doing my hygiene and taking a shower. I went upstairs and put on some CRISP boxers, my grey Black Pyramid joggers, a black and red X the album pulled over hood, and my red and black Js.

I walked downstairs smelling bacon eggs grits and sausage being cooked. When I walked in the kitchen I see Red and Jamal at the island on they phones while Mijo was drinking OJ and Ree and Seiko were cooking the food.

"Morning yall" I said walking behind Ree and wrapping my arms around her putting my face in the crook of her neck as she giggled

"Hey babe" I said kissing her neck

"Hey" she said turning her head pecking my lips real quick before going back to making the bacon

"Thats all I get ?" I asked sitting on the counter

"Uh yea for now unless you want me to burn the house down by not watching this food cuz you wanted a kiss" she said laughing along with ith Seiko

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