Let's go

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Rebecca Pov

"Okay girl we here.. girl.. GIRL IF YOU DONT GET YO ASS UP!!" Seiko said

"What I'M UP!" I yelled jumping out my sleep

"Didn't I tell you to get some sleep"

"Yea but I couldn't sleep I was too excited"

"Welp its too late now get up we here" Seiko said getting out the car

"Ugh fine" I said rolling my eyes

"Good luck baby girl have fun and get his number it's only a matter of time before yall go out" Seiko said snickering

I hit her arm "Girl stop playing I ain't into him like that but I gotta go" I said kissing her cheek

"Kay girl go to ya man I gotta go see mines time to get it in" She said twerking a little

"You crazy as hell" I said walking in the building
Beginning of camp

So everyone was getting in class and all of them were girls. I wasn't really surprised but they prolly all thirsty for him anyways. I actually wanna get this opportunity and no one will stop me now that my door is open and no one will close it. I began to get really nervous when the door opened because in walked the Chris Breezy Brown yes CB. Anyways him and his dancers pilled in as Chris greeted us.

"Damn there's alot of ladies out here.. shid works for me." He said while his friends laughed with him

"Iight for real tho lets start this shit so I know yall prolly was expecting me to have yall dance so your in luck because that's what ima need yall to do and there will be 3 who will continue in this journey with me by 6pm today. Sorry to have the rest of y'all hopes up but this is how it is ain't shit cheap no more. I mean that in the nicest way possible too now who's first."

No one responded
He then started to randomly select the girls to dance and I was crossing everything in my body that he would pick me last. Luckily he did.

"Iight shawty you last so what's ya name.. wait you Rebecca Forman right?" He said cocking an eyebrow at me

"Uh yeah how d- do you know" I said nervously for some reason

"I saw your pic and your name so um yea" Chris said chuckling

"Oh right" I said looking down feeling my cheeks get hot from embarrassment

"You gonna dance or.."

"Oh right lemme do that"

I did the dance and honestly after I finished I felt great and must've did great cause everyone was going crazy cheering for me.

I looked over at Chris who was smilling and clapping. When our eyes met he winking at me. Lawd I'm telling you I almost died. I found that weird since I don't like him in that way but maybe I was just in the moment.

Then Chris walks over.

"Hey you did really well out there and I wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime we can keep it bussiness only if you want to" Chris said smirking then showing his million dollar smile

"Uh I dunno I mean I don't really know you, you don't really know me so yeah" I said even though I honestly wouldn't mind going out  with him as friends and nothing more.

"Come on I mean it doesn't have to be a date you and 2 other girls have already been picked to be in my crew so why not and doesn't have to be just us you can come with OHB and myself." He insisted

"Uh alright just as friends and nothing more and you better not try nothing either" I said eyeing him

"Nah ma I got you we just gonna go out to eat that's all maybe go bowling"

"Fine ill go"

"Iight cool" He said taking my hand
"Lets go"

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