Like I Guessed

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Rebecca Pov
While Out With Chris
We had just came from seeing the movie Furious 7 and might I tell you it was one of the most funnest days I've ever had. When you get to know Chris he's honestly not anything the media makes his out to be. He's funny, sweet, a gentlemen, and really knows how to make you keep a smile on your face.
I got out my thoughts as me, Chris and his friends entered the bowling ally.

"Total count for 5" Chris said

"Thanks iight yall we set" Chris said leading us to our lane

We changed into our shoes and began bowling. I noticed while we were playing that I stared to find Chris really attractive. He has freakles and cute ass dimples he has really gorgeous eyes and his smile is absolutely flawless. He must've saw me staring cause he walked over to me after his turn. He wrapped his arms around me and looked down at me staring. It started making me uncomfortable so I tried avoiding eye contact.

"What you staring at" he finally said

"Nothing I was just watching you play that's all" I said

"Mm mhmn you was checking out my sexyness I know you ain't gotta hide it boo". He said

"I'm serious just wanted to see if you was good or wack" I lied

"Please I just got three strikes in a row I'm a beast" he said doing the dougie. Cocky ass.

"Whatever that's why ima beat you" I challenged getting out his grip to play my turn.

I scored a strike and screamed rubbing it in Chris face them started twerking. I stopped when I realized they was all looking at me and chuckled nervously from embarrassment.

"That ass tho" I heard one of Chris friends say

"Sorry bout that just was really excited"

"Its cool ma" Chris said and took my hand as we went to the car

"So did you have fun?" Chris asked as we were driving to my house since his friends left already

"Yea I really did thanks for taking me out I had a great time" I smiled at him

"Yea ma no problem.. uh would you mind if I took you out again.. but us this time only ?"

"I don't know I mean I dont want things to be weird you know its not like we're dating"

"I know it's just so well get to know each other a little more" he said as we walked to my front door

I unlocked my door and as I was getting ready to tell him goodnight he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me with lust in his eyes

"Uh wha-" Before I could speak he crushed his lips to mine. I was so shocked I couldn't even pull away I just let him and found myself kissing him back. Next thing I know is I'm being thrown on my couch with him attacking my neck with kisses. What the hell ion even know him like that and he's tryna fuck. He's cute and all but no I can't. I quickly pushed him off and looked at him like he had 4 heads.

"Oh damn I'm so sorry Rebecca I aint mean that." He said rubbing his face

I laughed a little cause he looked cute

"No it's ok no harm done" I said out of breath still shocked he kissed me

We sat there for a moment in silence until he broke it

"Uh I guess I should be going. I'll see you tomorrow at 11:30 for practice iight" he said getting up to leave

"Uh yea see you then" I said walking him to the door

Before he left my front steps I pulled him back

"Hey don't feel bad.. I... Actually liked the kiss. Things don't have to be weird between us ok?" I said looking up to him

He just smiled at me then slid something in my back pocket. He then kissed my cheek before walking to his car.

I waited until he pulled off before closing the door sliding down to the floor.

Chris Brown just kissed me. My Goddamn inspiration kissed me twice what a night.

I looked in my pocket for the paper he slid there. It was his number.
Like I guessed.

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