For Now

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Ree pov
At the dance studio

"Hey yall" I stop dancing and turn around seeing Chris walking towards us

"Baaaeeee" I yelled running to him as he chuckled catching me

"Hey baby what yall working on" he said

"Oh nothing baby just practicing that dance for the house party" I said

"Iight well lets finish" he said looking somewhere else

I traced his eye seeing where he was looking and seen Ranna. Fuck he lookin at her for. Whateva I just shook it off and continued to dance.

Chris pov

I was looking at Ranna cause I remembered what happened but ion really trust her tho.

Whatever I shook it off and finished up the routine with them.

"Iight ladies that's a rap" I said wiping my naked chest with a towel

"Bye Chris" Ria and Ranna both said. Ranna looked at me with a smirk on her face while leaving

I had a cold sweat go down my back because I feel she did somn. I was tooken out my thoughts when Ree jumped on my back as we left the studio.
Back at Ree house 2 months later
Chris pov

"I'm really excited to be doing this performance with you" Ree said

"I'm excited you gonna dance with me " I said kissing her neck

Then my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw Ranna was sending me a text. She's been texting alot lately after I told her to chill after what happened between us. It didn't mean anything to me I was just drunk and horny. Ree clearly don't know cause she would've said somn on the spot. I decided not to answer her text so I just went to the bathroom. Once I got out I seen Ree looking at my phone.

"Aye what you doing" I said jumping on the bed

"Why is Ranna texting you and why you got a password on your phone" she said

"Ion know why she texting me" I said holding her

"She want you to come back over... Uh why" she asked

"I went over there once to help her with the dance and before you say why I didn't tell was cause I thought it was harmless to help her" I lied

"Oh okay that's fine I guess" she said

"Baaaeee I wannnt yoouuu" Ree purred in my ear climbing on top of me

"Oh really ma" I said smirking

She nodded taking off my shirt.
Still at Ree house

After our lil session I went to Ranna house to tell her about texting me and she ended up giving me head. I came back and heard screaming. I ran upstairs seeing Ree packing her things and tears going down her face.

"Hey hey what happened" I said

"YOU STUPID UNFAITHFUL MOTHAFUCKA YOU SUCH A LIE THATS WHAT I GET FOR FUCKING WITH A FAMOUS PERSON" Ree yelled throwing shoes at me. I ducked and douged all of them

"What the hell you talki- "


"No but wha-"


"Where you heard that bullshit" I said

"Heres the text. Aye sexy I enjoyed that round we just had can't wait for more" Ree read

" She lying" I lied

"Oh really you a bad ass lier we talked about this why you gotta do some fucked up Shit like that Chris I didn't do nothing wrong. I wasn't that annoying ass girlfriend who want your money. You buy me Shit when I tell you not to. I don't ask for Shit but to dance with you and this how do me. I thanked you. I fucked you when you wanted. Let you party when you wanted. Get drunk feel on girls if you want but it ain't enough is it. So now I gotta go. I'm leaving to Toronto for a week. I need a break. I put your money back in your account. I make my own. I love you Chris but you gotta learn. It's only been 4 months. AND YOU HAD THE FUCKIN NERVE TO FUCK HER AND FUCK ME AFTER YOU STUPID ASS CAN YOU KEEP YOUR DICK IN YO PANTS FOR A DAY FUCK!!!

"Iight baby but just promise me one thing" I said looking in her eyes

"Yes Chris" Ree said

"Dont be gone too long cause you won't be there to love me when your gone" I said kissing her

"I will Chris I love you I think we both need this tho" she said..

"I'll let you have your space don have too much fun tho okay"

"Yea bye baby" she said and walked out the car

"FUCK MAN" I yelled slamming the door.

Chris my man why you always gotta fuck up man? You wanna do better but you keep taking 5 steps back when you get one step forward. You know you love her and she love you too. Learn from his and stop messing up man. I got out n thoughts going to sleep.

I love her so I gotta do better. I gotta learn from this. I let her leave and she'll be back. She's only gone.
For now.

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