To Heal and Move On...

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Nature has a subtle, gentle way of healing the hurts and angst that fills the heart and mind. The warm sun; lush green trees; a soft blanket of grass; the lilting melodies of birds on the wing. When hope has abandoned, it is restored by simply melting into the loving embrace of creation and breathing in the life caressing the soul; it's healing balm easing the pain.

Sitting quietly on the sun-warmed ground, surrounded by thick woods and the flora and fauna of the deep forest, NCIS Special Agent Jana MacBride sat with her legs crossed and eyes closed. It had been three long, arduous weeks of physical healing and rehab after the beating she took at the hands of a group of sick, twisted 'real-life gamers' that had terrorized Los Angeles, and taken the life of her partner, Clay Barringer. Taking the time to mentally prepare herself for the required physical examination and field readiness testing Jana was scheduled to endure later this morning, the young agent failed to recall any other time she had been so nervous about this part of her job. It wasn't the first time she had to go through this, but it somehow felt different...and then she identified the difference...

Clay wouldn't be there...

Allowing a cleansing breath to escape her body in a huff, MacBride opened her green-brown eyes carefully to adjust to the bright sunshine. Silently berating the unfairness of life, Jana eased her stiff form off the ground and stretched aching joints gingerly before starting the short hike back to her Jeep.

Back to reality, Clay. Jana commented in the quiet of her mind. Wish me luck this morning. Sam's gonna kick my tail all over the gym.


"Mr. Hanna." NCIS Deputy Director Hetty Lange called out to her Senior field agent, Sam Hanna. "Is everything in readiness for Miss MacBride's testing today?"

"Good morning, Hetty." Sam greeted warmly as he put the finishing touches on the required testing stations. "Everything is ready. Whether Jana is ready remains to be seen."

Sam had been tasked with MacBride's rehab and recovery while she healed from her injuries. Physically, Jana was more than capable of completing the readiness testing, but emotionally, the young agent was still reeling from the death of her partner.

"Time is the only thing that will heal her heart, Mr. Hanna." Hetty said. "Time and the support of family. Miss MacBride will survive and move on, Mr. Hanna. We just need to help her to do so without judging her."

Sam nodded sagely at Hetty's gentle admonishment. Sam would do what needed to be done to get MacBride back in the field and support her during the stages of emotional healing she would endure.

"I just heard Mr. Deeks arrive." Hetty said. "Please excuse me. I have to speak with him briefly before Miss MacBride's testing begins."

"Copy that, Hetty." Sam smiled.

"Heya Sam-Dawg!" Deeks greeted the hulking federal agent enthusiastically. "I'll be right there!"

"Take your time Deeks!" Sam called out. "Hetty has first dibs on you this morning."

"Oh...really?" Deeks queried. "Okay...see you in a few, brother!"

"Kensi ride in with you?"

"She's in the locker room putting some things away." Deeks answered as he sauntered toward Hetty's office. "Fern'll be out in a few."

Sam laughed at Deeks' use of his pet-name for Kensi that usually got him punched, if his partner heard him utter it.

"Good morning, Mr. Deeks." Hetty called from her office. "May I have a few moments of your time before you start your day?"

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