The Calm Before the Next Storm

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Coffee.  The glorious elixir of caffeinated bliss that sweetly, gently caresses and warms the very soul of the worn and weary; those who resist the urgent, annoying squawking of the electronic device in danger of learning to fly without wings.  Working seemingly unending days and nights back-to-back had a tendency to wear out even the most stout of heart and purpose causing an inherent shortening of fuses and diminishing patience with those around them.  It was times such as these that the heaven-sent screaming-hot cup of blackness alleviated the strong urge to harbor homicidal thoughts and inclinations towards the innocent.  

Eyes half-closed against the bright overhead lights at his favorite coffee shop (or one of three he alternated through every week), Senior NCIS Field Agent Sam Hanna, attached with the Office of Special Projects, stood half asleep as he waited for his usual cup of wake-up.  Last week was busy with cases that ran him and his co-workers from one end of California to the other and even a brief few hours in Mexico to retrieve a suspect.  Tempers were hotter and patience was truly a virtue they were all lacking in...the weekend wasn't much better. Thankfully, Deputy Director Hetty Lange gave her primary team Monday and Tuesday off to recuperate.  

"Good morning, Sam."  Barista Sarah Martin greeted the drowsy man cheerfully.  "A beautiful Wednesday morning, isn't it?"

Sam didn't have it in him to be surly or cranky with the perky young woman who fixed his particular beverage perfectly every morning he visited.  A hard-working college student, Sarah was sweet and bubbly with every customer she encountered, no matter how bitter or demanding they could be.  Admittedly, her happy demeanor was something he needed desperately this morning.  

"It is now, Sarah."  Sam smiled warmly at the young girl serving him his hot beverage with a flourish.  "You guys look very busy this morning."

"Indeed we are, Sam."  Sarah replied as she gently took the cash from Sam's enormous hand.  "But that keeps us in business and helps me pay the bills every month."

"Keep the change, Miss Sarah."  Sam said waving his hand at hers when she tried to return the change to him.  "And keep smiling, girl"

"Sam?"  Sarah responded incredulously at the generous tip Sam had left her with.  "Wait!!!"

"Have a great day Sarah!"  Sam called as he left the astonished girl behind and headed back to his vehicle.  It was his first day back after the couple days off and he wasn't one to be late.  

The drive to OSP, or at least the route Sam would take today would be a beautiful backdrop to the start of his morning.  The golden California sun would be rising over the mountains to the east unleashing a cascade of warm hues as its light washed over the valley below.  The scent of the ocean breeze coming in from the surf mingled wonderfully with the light perfumed scents of the wildflowers that decorated the sides of the four-lane road he travelled.  The gentle melodies of the song birds echoed, adding to the zen-like experience for the hardened former Navy SEAL and clandestine federal agent.  Sam took pleasure in the life that echoed resplendently all around him and found some measure of peace therein.  Sam was jaded enough to realize that the sense of calm that filled him would probably evaporate as soon as he walked through the office door, but savored this brief harmonious interlude for as long as he could keep hold of it.  Such was the life of a federal agent and it was a life he'd not trade for all the tea in China, so to speak.  

A short 'beep' on his burn phone alerted Sam to an awaiting text message, choosing wisely not to answer it until he had arrived at the Mission.  Most likely, it was Michelle or Kamran sending him a quick text good morning, not OSP since the 'Nerd-Herd' knew he would be en route.  A second chirp from his phone gave the burly agent a moment's pause.  Pulling to the side of the road, Sam parked his vehicle before picking up the phone to see what the fuss was all about.  

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