And So It Begins...

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Orange-red flames flickered menacingly in the dark corner of the abandoned, dilapidated medium-sized warehouse along the warehouse district of Long Beach, California. Fed very well with more accelerant than perhaps was needed, the flames glowed nearly white-hot as it hungrily consumed the wall beneath it; black smoke starting to build up on the ceiling until it was an undulating mass of heated gases and incomplete combustion in various stages.

Crouched close the floor, the arsonist smiled at his creation, as if the beast was a child playing unimpeded and unhindered. Satisfied that his handiwork would continue to blossom and consume, he quickly escaped from the blind side of the warehouse and skulked toward another abandoned building nearly two hundred yards to the east. Climbing cat-like up a broken fire escape ladder to the top floor window, the arsonist joined with two other associates who had set up sniper rifles facing the only two points of entrance to the fire scene below.

Moments later,thick, black smoke began to seep from the cracks around the windows; the majority of the heat continuing to build to flash point. Once all the available oxygen was spent inside the warehouse, the smoke would cease and the fire would lie in wait for the first poor soul to make entry. The man almost felt sorry for those who would suffer their wrath, but it was quickly extinguished by the bitterness and relentless lust for that adrenaline rush he and others like him sought. This was better than any video game or movie...this was real and they were living it.

In the distance, they could hear the first fire companies responding to a report of smoke in their area. All chatter ceased as the two snipers concentrated on picking out appropriate targets brave enough to enter their carefully laid trap.

Down below, a lone man dressed in a military uniform had jogged onto the scene after smelling the smoldering fire nearly one block away. Being a volunteer firefighter in his hometown, the man knew not to enter the structure until he had more manpower and equipment to make entry. Not realizing the danger from above, the man began making a circuit about the structure in survey and stepped out of the line of fire that loomed two hundred yards east of his position.

A few moments later, the first fire company had arrived and began to deploy personnel and equipment around the scene; the in-charge officer taking care to ensure the safety of his men. The volunteer first-responder respectfully approached the fire captain and introduced himself before launching into his findings.

"I smelled the smoke about a block west and came to investigate, Captain." The man replied when asked how he came upon the scene before his crew's arrival. "I'm a volunteer firefighter in my hometown back east, so I thought I'd take a peek around and let you know what I found."

"Very good, sir." Los Angeles County Fire Captain Paul Tolliver acknowledged the valuable information he'd received from the well-meaning bystander. "I agree with you...this is a firebug's handiwork and it's been cooking long enough to backdraft when we make entry. We'll get to venting before we attack this thing. Appreciate your eyes, soldier."

"You're welcome, Captain." The lieutenant said with a smile. "I'll just get out of your way."

"Ooo-rah." Captain Tolliver called out before heading back to his crew.

"Semper Fi." The Marine Lieutenant replied with a wide grin as he exited the fire scene proper and stood well out of harm's way.

In the abandoned building east of the area of engagement, the small group of self-proclaimed commando adrenaline junkies had settled into position behind their sniper rifles choosing their intended targets. To minimize untimely discovery by law enforcement, the three had agreed to choose one high-value target, eliminate said target, gather evidence and disappear before their perch was discovered. With each mark acquired, the threesome awaited the perfect opportunity to strike as one.

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