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"You're early this morning, Miss Blye."  NCIS Assistant Director Hetty Lange greeted Kensi Blye warmly. "Care to join me for some morning tea?"

"That would be lovely, Hetty."  Kensi replied surprised somewhat at the invitation. 

A moment of silence sat comfortably between the two women as Hetty poured screaming hot water into Kensi's teacup and passed it carefully to her senior field agent. 

"Sip it carefully, Kensi."  Hetty warned using Kensi's first name uncharacteristically.  "It is extremely hot."

Kensi breathed in the delicate scent wafting from the steam pouring from her teacup and allowed it to relax and comfort the usually tense federal agent.  Blowing gently on the scalding liquid before taking a tentative sip, Kensi was pleasantly surprised at how wonderful this tea tasted. 

"Mmm."  Kensi began wordlessly.  "That is amazing.  Thank you for sharing it with me."

"You are quite welcome, my dear."  Hetty's genuine smile was akin to the sun cracking the eastern horizon this morning. 

For Kensi, it was indeed a rare instance where the two woman could just be friends; forgetting the clandestine lives they both led working for the Office of Special Projects.  Hetty was the closest thing she had to a mother, though Kensi continued to rebuild her relationship with her own birth mother.  There would always be a closeness between her and the small woman with the towering reputation; one borne of countless undercover operations and Hetty's protectiveness of her primary team of OSP agents vetted for her purposes. 

"I take it that Clay and Jana will back this morning?"  Kensi asked curiously. 

"Indeed they are, Kensi."  Hetty replied.  "How are things between you and Mr. Deeks?"

That was an unexpected segue into a very privately kept relationship.  She and Deeks worked diligently to keep their relationship from interfering with their work as federal agents...something she thought they did quite well.  Hetty's inquiry into their dating relationship made the jaded federal agent more than a tad nervous. 

"In what way, Hetty?"  Kensi tried to divert Hetty's line of questioning by answering her question with a question. 

"Do not play coy with me, Kensi."  Hetty replied without one hint of sterness. 

The overly observant Assistant Director had known for quite sometime that she and Deeks had initiated a dating relationship; something that was strongly discouraged between agents but one Hetty allowed because they had both successfully managed to keep it from affecting their work.  In point of fact, it made Kensi and Deeks that much more effective as federal operatives.     

"You know very well what it is that I am referring to, Miss Blye."  Hetty stated firmly.  "How are things between you and your partner?"

Kensi blinked in mild panic.  Does she open up and spill her guts about her and Deeks' dating relationship, or blow it off and risk the Assistant Director's ire?  If she were to 'fess-up' to the tiny woman who could end her without breaking a sweat, would she and Deeks be forced to choose between the love they shared or the career they both loved?

"Relax, Miss Blye."  Hetty reassured her agent.  "I've known about you and Mr. Deeks for quite some time and have observed your careful balancing act between work and dating.  Technically, your relationship goes against regulations, but I've never been one to follow regulations to the exact letter of the law...until it begins to affect your work in the field."

"I love him, Hetty."  Kensi admitted at long last.  "I think I've loved Deeks from the very beginning, but he had to get past my heavily fortified defenses first.  I just don't want to be forced to choose between working at NCIS and Deeks."

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