𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟐

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"edith, could you perhaps―" you attempted to ask, before she swiftly handed you a little bundle of papers, "―oh, thank you

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"edith, could you perhaps―" you attempted to ask, before she swiftly handed you a little bundle of papers, "―oh, thank you."

she nodded and smiled, tucking a stray strand of her black hair behind her ear.
"you're welcome."

you took the papers from their file, sorting through them and placing them on various piles. while edith continued placing thick leather bound books on a shelf close to your desk. the shuffling sound upon the shelf reaching your ears.

you dipped the tipped end of your quil into the small glass inkwell before you. the dark obsidian coloured ink swirling in it's container. you scribbled whatever was needed. signatures, replies to requests, explanations, etcetera.

"you may take a break if you wish," you said, wondering how much time must have past, eyes fixated on the leaves of paper in front of you.

"i suppose i should. i could return with tea? if you'd like." she responded. placing one more book back into its place. "that would be nice," you smiled, "if you don't mind of course."

"of course not."

you watched as she walked towards the door, turning the brass door knob, "i'll take my leave, then, your grace."

edith closed it behind her, before you heard it lock in place.

you continued your writings. perhaps if you were quick you could finish it all by today.

minutes passed before boredom and fatigue fell upon you, sometimes it felt like in all your years of life you never placed down that quil. or maybe you were just over exaggerating. you honestly weren't able to tell anymore.

your eyes travelled to the nearest window. the office had quite a few, but there was one that sat close to your bureau. for better or for worse.

the view, while almost always the same, the same trees, the same dull blue sky, has distracted you many times before.
but it also gives you a sense of time. the sun set or the moon rose, that, was one of the signals that it was getting too late.
according to the others, then, and they eventually taught you such 'healthy' habits. breaks.
you supposed one couldn't hurt, now.

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