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spoilers for the inazuma archon quest

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spoilers for the inazuma archon quest

spoilers for the inazuma archon quest

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you exhaled, just one last time.

somedays, letters found their way to your office in her penmanship. you can't recall when it had started, or even how frequently she sent them. often. a few times a year and eventually once every couple.
you never opened them, your wounds had closed and you wished these letters to stay unopened just like them.

of course, it was a never-ending thought. what could she have written? yet, everytime you brought yourself to that box you felt the curiosity die away like you said your love for her would also.

so there the box stayed, high above your bookshelf, only to be opened to stash another letter in. you were unsure why you even kept them, only to hide from sight and mind. 

many seasons had passed before you heard mention of her again. a week after her departure not one recalled a memory of her, atleast not with you. not edith nor matheo. not even you. and yet, her name was spoken loud and clear.

the spirit of your former love laid in its grave, decaying, ringing hollow. an archon shouldn't feel this way.

she died. reduced to nothing but ashes and soot.

la signora departed from you with neither bliss or a proper goodbye, and now she departed from this world. leaving you to be.
the carcass of your love rotten and spoiled, affection overdue. so much to give to someone who couldn't receive it.

you tried continuing on with your day, lovers die and new seasons come by. you tried getting used to seeing others leave you so soon, never for you to follow them.

she had broken your heart and taken it with her to the grave.

you were back how you were at the beginning. rather alone.

what if you looked? it would not hurt, there was no one left to turn to in the end.

you took the box from your bookshelf, having forgotten how many letters she sent. how many she kept sending. you read one by one, sitting hunched over the box on the cold wooden floor.

"i was afraid you would love me any less, you make me feel like a butterfly, trapped in a jar, starved for love. i was afraid that i would never feel your warmth again. now, i have realised that it would be inevitable."

you hoped that if this story was shared, it would be retold kinder.

you indeed never were one to appear in the texts of history and time, but a story shared years and years after, was a fairytale of the fair haired princess who met a god. a love doomed from the moment they met.

there you sat, an immortal weeping over the loss of someone who was destined to die like any other. she wasn't like any other.

is that it? is this how it ends?

yes, this is, in fact, how it ends

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yes, this is, in fact, how it ends.

thank you so much for staying until the end ! i appreciate it so so much.

i've always loved bittersweet to bad endings. they always just seemed more satisfying to read? there was something about the characters following a classic fairytale only for it to end not as they hoped. so i wanted to incorporate that in this fic!

it could have been a lot better, there are some pacing issues and inconsistencies. also some ideas i forgot about until half way into writing the story. so, that's something i will be paying more attention to in my next fics.

again, thank you so much ! i loved interacting with those who commented <3 and thank you to the silent readers.

have a lovely day or night, perhaps, see you next time !

have a lovely day or night, perhaps, see you next time !

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