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how you longed to be back then

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how you longed to be back then. the sun shone bright that day, you remembered.

"the water is so nice!" you called out to her.

"it's cold!" rosalyne yelled just before she got up from the plaid blanket that laid on the sand. the edges covered and buried under the ground. despite her comment, she wandered towards the shore. avoiding the broken shells lying around. submerging her feet, then her knees. until the water was at her waist and she was comfortably held in your arms.
"happy now?" she asked, feigning annoyance. rosalyne knew she was.
you kissed her cheek, "very."

the cold enveloped her body as the waves rocked gently. it didn't matter any more, she knew she would warm up in the end.
sea foam danced on the ocean waves, as it carried itself with an unimaginable grace.
rosalyne wrapped one hand around your neck as she other swirled around the waters, the occasional leaf caressed her hand.
"i have to tell you something," she spoke suddenly.

"yes?" you smiled.
"i can't swim."

rosalyne felt this room unfitting for the occasion

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rosalyne felt this room unfitting for the occasion. it was too bright, the flowery curtains drawn wide open as you could hear the chatter of outsiders from beyond the walls. 

"i hope you might understand." she continued, a little selfishly. her fingers were still loosely intertwined with yours. 

"you did this of your own volition?" you asked, the disbelief evident in your voice. 
"i'm afraid i can't say." 
"why? you wish for me to understand, yet you withhold things such as these." 

𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐰 | 𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now