𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟑

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"court is in session!" you called, the room grew silent as your voice echoed throughout the chamber

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"court is in session!" you called, the room grew silent as your voice echoed throughout the chamber. rustles of fabric and the shuffle of shoes were heard as everyone took their positions. a few took their place on the benches, while others siftd through their sheets of paper, waiting to be called to the stand. 

oh, how you loved being here. court. it had a certain feel to it, it was never quite the same. 

from the crime to the verdict. from the jury to the defendant. from your usual routinely days it was a eath of fresh air. as if the hands of time chose to be quicker, dashing through the passing hours as if they were in a hurry. 

you were proud of how far the fontaine legal system had come. there were many laws, all intricately put together over the years. for every law there was a reason, and for every reason there was a law. 
regions would send their most difficult cases to fontaine, knowing all too well that if they would not be able to find a satisfying conclusion to it, you would. 

in this room you were all knowing. everyone trusts your words as blindly as justice is blind.

and then, you remembered. you were all knowing in rooms as these only. 

you did not excel in state affairs or anything of the sort. you had edith and theo at your side, to help you where needed. when you were unsure of what to write, unsure of what to do. you excelled in the matters of the law, yes, but was that truly all of it?

did your fellow archons also seek out the help of others when needed, or were you the only one? 

what about your other talents? what were you exceptionally good at? 

why were you questioning yourself like this, you wondered. where do these thoughts come from, you asked.

you were not so sure anymore. 

she was not so sure anymore

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she was not so sure anymore.

signora let herself sink back into the cushioned chair. high shelves lined the walls. books in various colours sat upon the wooden planks. the different types of lettering adorned the spines.

in the month and a half she spent here, she found herself coming back to this library many times. 
fontaine was energetic and vibrant, sometimes well into the dark hours of the night. but here, everything seemed calm enough, the loudest sound she would hear was an occasional whisper. 

she sunk back into the chair, resting her elbows on the armrests. her fingers traced shapes onto the velvety texture. 

what was she here for, she wondered. 

what was the reason she travelled all the way to this archon forsaken land? 

it was the tsaritsa. 

the deadline she was given, bestowed by her archon, was a year. twelve full moons and two had almost passed. what had she done in the meantime? 

well, rosalyn got acquainted with the locals, she found many shops, small streams and abandoned camps while she was exploring around the forests and smaller parts near the city. 

she met you, and became your friend. 

could she call it friendship? she thought, before cursing herself that she even thought to dwell on it. signora was never the type of person to question her relations with others.

it made her feel warm thinking of it, though. for her own satisfaction she supposed friendship is the correct term to call what the two of you have. 

from your conversations, rather short and sometimes quick, taught her a few things about you as a person. she surprisingly even remembered that one mention of yours about what flower was your favourite. rosalyn told you her favourites were cecilia's. 
truthfully, she did not have one before you asked her the question. 

her mind wandered. what was she here for again? none of the things she previously thought of were of any importance.  
she shook her head,

her only concern was you. strike that,

her only concern was your gnosis. 

what would you think of her, if she did? perhaps you would be angry with her, curse her name under your breath.
or perhaps you would understand. perhaps you were truly as kind as others make you out to be.

while disappointing you was not a thought she liked to dwell on, one that distraught her much more, was the thought of disappointing the cryo archon. 

the one that offered her a place in society, and a home. a high ranking enough position so she would never feel that she was missing something in her life.

yet, she was. 

she missed certainty. what was the source of all this doubt?

despite all of her thoughts, she realized that at the end of a certain day, she would have to find out how and execute that plan of her swiftly.
rosalyn felt a distaste towards that fictive day that would come no matter how much she subconsciously tried to delay it. 

thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed this (rather short) chapter!

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thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed this (rather short) chapter!

have a lovely day/night <3

have a lovely day/night <3

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⤷ status: not edited

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