Chapter 4 Pt. 2

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"Hey, Ranboo? Can you close for me tonight?" Puffy asked. "I'm actually busy Mrs. Puffy, can someone else do it?" Ranboo replied whilst wiping down the chutes the employees used to transfer food and entertain the waiting customers. Watching tricks makes it easier to wait. "Oh, really Ranboo? Well, I guess I can. Have fun with whatever you have to do."

"Thank you, Puffy." Ranboo stuffed his tips into his bag. '32 dollars,' Ranboo thought. 'Tips have been good recently.'

"Wait, take this." She tossed a little box to him. "What's this for?" Ranboo smiled.

"Well, you've been working here for a year now. You deserve a present. Besides child, I worry about you sometimes." She laughed. "Come on now, open it." And he did as he was told. Carefully, but quick, his normal way of doing things.

"Woah. Mrs. Puffy, you didn't have to get this for me." He was holding a crystal pocket knife.

"Well, I saw it and thought of you. It has your aura. Anyways honey, you go on your way if you wanna get where you needed to get to."

"Yes ma'am, and thank you, again."

"No problem." She smiled as he walked out the door.

'A black blade', he noted, opening and closing the knife with a flick of the wrist, walking to the park. He told Wilbur to meet him there since the line at work during rush hour wasn't the time to talk, and Wilbur obliged.

'Crystals of all types,' he observed. 'Amethyst, opal, ruby, and moonstone stood out though. An eye made out of opal right above where your thumb would rest if you opened something. Interesting.'


"Hey blondie, just give us the cash."

"I don't have any."

'Should I just watch this go down or interfere?' Wilbur thought to himself. 'These kids can't be older than 18, so would it be legal to beat that jerk's ass?' Just as he turned to look for Ranboo once more, he turned the corner.

"Perfect timing, kid." Wilbur laughed.

"Thanks." Ranboo smiled, but turned his head towards the kids.

"I want my money bitch." The kid went to grab for the other's collar, but he was pushed back.

"What's your name kid?" Ranboo asked. "Wouldn't you like to know, twiggy!" The kid spat.

"Ok then, ima call you kiddo. Now kiddo, I suggest you leave this kid alone." He glanced at the kid on the ground. 'You don't know him,' is what he told himself as he turned toward 'kiddo,' who was opening his mouth again. "But Tommy here's an orphan. And a beggar. Hoping the lunch ladies will take pity and give him an extra scoop of mashed potatoes." He laughed, "he can suck my ass." And he showed his hand. He had Tommy's wallet. He took $10 out, which was all Tommy had, and threw the wallet at Tommy's knees.

Tommy spoke for the first time in a while whist reaching for his wallet. "Please give my money back, Jace."

"You wanna do this the easy way or hard way, Jace?" Ranboo asked.

"What's an easy way?" Was the bully's reply.

"Understood," Ranboo sighed, "with a name like 'Jace' it's obvious your mom misplaced the condoms." He had been looking down, and as he let this comment seep into this kid's bloodstream, he raised his head and straightened his back. He was a whole foot and a half taller then Jace. "You probably think your all that, but cry every night about the milk dad never brought home."

And with Jace's face hardening, though he tried to hide it, he knew he had the right nerve. He kept at it.

"Do you know, that there is a adoption center down the street? Maybe you'll find a half sibling."

Finally, Jace spoke up. "What do you fucking want." He growled. "Woah there tiger," he smirked, "all I need you to do is give me the 30 bucks you stole from my man Tommy here. Ok?"

"It was 10." He argued.

"I saw him taking a 50," Wilbur laughed, "You owe him 50 dollars, asshole."

"No I-" And before Jace could argue, Ranboo pulled him to his mouth by his collar. "Give him the 50 dollars, kid." He whispered into his ear, and he threw the 10 dollars Tommy owned and the 40 he'd won onto the brick path. 1 ten and 2 twenties. Tommy picked them up quickly and hugged Ranboo, and without a word exchange, felt Ranboo's bus pass sliding into his back pocket.

"Thank you man, you didn't have to help. You don't even know me." Tommy laughed, backing away from Ranboo.

"I know, but I hate bullies. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Ranboo smiled.

Ranboo turned to Wilbur. "50 dollars?" He asked. "Well," Wilbur laughed, "you did say 30 bucks when I remember seeing a 10."

"True," Ranboo laughed.

He'd have a ton of explaining to do when he got home.

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