Chapter 6

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"Ranboo, be honest, do you trust this?" Tubbo ask while carrying bags of their stuff.

"I trust Eret with my life, and you don't need that much clothes. Mostly your important belongings." Ranboo laughed when Tubbo looked at him confused. "She makes clothing when he's not training."

Tommy walked into the living room. "Oh, nice."

"Before Eret gets here, anything anyone needs to know? Because in truth, they only need me, and my top priority is you two. Should I know anything?" They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes till Tommy spoke. "My dad was a psychologist. My mom did investigating. They found a trail that the police force wouldn't let them follow, so they went rogue. Kinda what you used to do. Almost got to the Dream Team's hideout, too. But we went the right route, so Dream wrecked our car. Signature 'D' carved into the car's bumper, too."

The room fell silent. Tubbo grabbed his coat. "My dad used to show me criminal break shows, and I'd grab my computer and learn how they worked. The coding guy, the tech savvy one was always pulling the strings. So, I can dig up anything. We needed the spare cash back then, and all three of us did last year. Recently though, jobs have been scarce." Ranboo smiled. "Sadly, it's a good thing you have experience. Thank you-" just as he was thanking them, the door had 5 knocks hit the door. Ranboo looked at the two with a look speaking volumes. 'Are you ready?'  Their faces said they were. So they walked to the door and opened it.

Someone twirled into the room, hugging Ranboo.

"Ranboo! Oh, it's been way too long." "It really has been, Eret." Ranboo smiled. She slid towards Tommy and Tubbo.

"Your friends?" Eret asked, studying them.

"Tommy's the blond one, and Tubbo's this shortie." Ranboo said as he ruffled Tubbo's hair. Despite the prior tension, everyone was laughing.

"Ranboo, do you have anything that these two can use for defense? Just in case?" Eret asked.

"Well, Tommy, Tubbo, have you two ever fought?"

Tubbo shook his head side to side as Tommy piped up. "I'm pretty good with a baton and Tubbo and I can both use a knife."

"Good enough," Eret tossed a baton to Tommy. "Give it a spin, and it's a normal baton. Hitting it on something will make the blades slide out. One on each end. Got it?" Tommy could only nod. "Tubbo," Ranboo asked, "can you throw knives?"

"I'd say so, yeah." Tubbo said. "Well, here's some stars." Ranboo smiled. This caught Tommy's attention. "Woah! Like ninja stars!? Tubbo, your a ninja!" Tubbo laughed.

"Ranboo, do you have anything?" Eret picked some of the bags off the floor. "A knife and some stars. But, it's a nightlock blade."

"Like, nightlock in the Hunger Games?" Tubbo asked. "Sorta, but the blade can be triggered to be coated in a thin coat of nightshade, which is an actual berry with the side affects of nightlock." Ranboo explained. "You're showing it off later, but for now we should get going, I have someone to meet anyhow." Eret started out the door. "Damn, they're strong." Tubbo muttered under his breath, getting a laugh out of Tommy. They all got in the car, Tubbo and Tommy in back, Eret and Ranboo in front.

"So, who've you got to meet?" Ranboo asked. "The Sub Rosa." Tommy sat up. "No way, They're real?!"

"Yes indeed they are, Tommy." Eret laughed.


"Woah." Simultaneously came out of Tommy and Tubbo's mouths as they rolled up the the house. It was ginormous. "It was a very popular orphanage, but got shut down for a scandal. Since we helped with taking the organization down and suggested the place be abandoned, the police of the area turned a blind eye when we renovated it into a home/gigabase." Eret smiled. "Ranboo? How you feeling?" Ranboo exhaled. "Chimerical. This feels so chimerical." Tommy glanced at Tubbo, and mouthed, "do you know what that means?" He got a shrug in return. "Ranboo, what does that mean?" Tubbo asked.

"Merely imaginary. Fanciful, if you will." Eret smiled. "I still won't lose."

"Huh?" Tommy eyed them. "Well, Ranboo was a smart child and used to use big words when we were smaller to confuse me. Since I was older, he wanted to stump me. So when one of us would use big words the other would have to define it. A test of knowledge, in a life so full of fighting. If we didn't, we were in debt to the other." Eret turned into the driveway. "Ranboo, you remember the sleeping quarters, yes?"

"How could I forget, boss man?" They started dragging bags out.

"Boss man? Is that something you picked up from those two?" Eret asked.

"I guess you could say that."


"So, do we want separate rooms?" Ranboo asked. "Obviously!" Tommy smiled. "Well, here you go then. Let me just..." Ranboo grabbed Tommy's wrist and placed his hand on the keypad. It lit up, and he removed Tommy's hand, and typed Tommy's name in. He put his signature, and it gleamed blue. "Thank you, Ranboo, for helping your friend with their stay." The keypad replied. "It's all yours, Tom Tom." Ranboo smiled as he ruffled his hair. "Get unpacked, we'll be here a bit. Let's get you set up over here, tubs."


'I can't sleep.' Tubbo thought. 'I've been laying in this goddamn bed for an hour or two and can't get a blink of sleep. Wait, what was that?' A creak came from outside, giving him a reason to slip out of bed. The cold of the air hit his legs, giving him goosebumps. He grabbed his phone and walked to and cracked his door. Peering outside, he saw a figure. He reached for the stars on his dresser as the shadow spoke.

"Tubbo, please don't impale me. Not at this hour." A voice spoke; strained. 'Why are you out here?' "I'm worried for Ranboo's safety." Tubbo pushed the door ajar. "Did you just read my mind or some voodoo shit?!" Eret turned. "No," she laughed, "Ranboo used to study psychology, and I picked some stuff up from them. If you can't sleep, go in there with him. You're used to sleeping with them, correct?"


"Well, no one's judging. We all have our shit and our ways to deal it." They smiled. "I'll be going now, I shouldn't be worried. We have cameras. Goodnight, Tubbo."

"Goodnight, Eret." Tubbo nodded.

As Tubbo walked into the room, Ranboo stirred. "It's just me; Tubbo." Ranboo sighed in relief, then laughed. "Come here Tubs." Tubbo set his phone on the table, slipped into the bed, and was hugged by Ranboo. "Goodnight boss man," Ranboo smiled, "goodnight. I love you Tubs." "I love you too, Boo."

And the two drifted into sleep.

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