Chapter 8

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"Ranboo...?" Tubbo whispered. "You whispering doesn't hide the rasp in your voice. Something's bothering you both." Ranboo took off his coat and placed it on a chair. They walked towards his bedside, where Tommy and Tubbo sat, backs to the bed. "What's up?"

"First," Tommy finally got out, "what'd you guys talk about?"

Ranboo sighed. "It's too dangerous to keep you untrained. You both will have to train and basically live these next months like I grew up. Whether you end up in the conflicts or not. Now," Ranboo's voice softened. It amazed the two how quickly they could change his tone. "What's wrong with you two?" Tubbo sighed. "I thought I'd never have to see my dad again, and Tommy's anxiety isn't taking this much change well."

"Oh, Toms, I'm sorry. This is my fault I-"

"No." "No?" Ranboo exhaled.

"I'm an almost-adult, I can deal with this. I just need you guys to stick with me, ok..?" Tommy smiled weakly.

"Of course, Tommy." Ranboo ruffled his hair.

"Now Tubbo," Ranboo crawled in between the two, "I'm sorry about your dad. Anything that'll help, your wish is my command, boss man." Tubbo smiled faintly at Ranboo. "Thanks; that's enough. Knowing your here."


"Ranboo?" Tubbo leaned against the doorframe. Ranboo turned around to face him. "You brushing your teeth boss man?" Tubbo laughed. 'Silk. Silk pants and button top. Long sleeves. Yellow and black stripes. That heifer.' Ranboo turned to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth, gargled, wiped his mouth, and turned to Tubbo. "Eret made you pajamas?" He motioned Tubbo to walk out of the doorway. "Yeah," Tubbo grilled, "how'd you know, dunce?"

"Well Tubs," he grabbed his pajamas out of his dresser, "I've known her since he could barely shoot a gun. I know how they work." 5 knocks rattled the door. "Speak of the devil," Ranboo laughed as they went to the door. Tubbo went to sit on his bed. "Hey, Ranboo, I have these pj's for you, thought you might want them."

"Black and white, very classy, Eret." "Oh stuff it, Boohoo. I gave Tubbo his," she smiled as they gestured towards him. He was sitting criss-cross on the bed, playing with one of Ranboo's puzzle boxes. "And gave Tomster a red and black one. They all match because of the black, ok? Or I would've given you green and red."

"No, no," Ranboo laughed, "people will think I'm crazy, it's September."

"Well that's settled then," she laughed. "Anyways, sleep well doofus." Eret ruffled Ranboo's hair. "You too, Weasley." He smirked.

You could still hear her laughter for a good while after he left.

Ranboo shut the door and sighed, "Where are you sleeping tonight, Tubby?"


"Ranboo?" Tubbo yawned. He sat up from the bed and saw Ranboo at his vanity. "How early is it? We went to bed at 11 last night, it better not be 6 am." "Mhm, sorry." Was all he got as a response. "Ok," Tubbo swung his legs off the bed, "what in the bloody hell are you doing?" As Tubbo walked over, he realized what he was doing. He immediately changed tone. "WAIT YOUR EARS ARE PIERCED?!" Tubbo screamed. Ranboo jumped, "Oh for the love of God calm down! You'll wake the whole country up!"

"Sorry, sorry," Tubbo smiled, "how many do you have?" "Hmm," Ranboo smiled, "Well let's see, 5 on the lobe and upper lobe area, a helix, and an industrial on both ears, then an orbital conch on my left ear and no extras on my right, and a nostril, septril, and a septum piercing on my nose." "HOLY SHIT RANBOO! HOW'D WE NOT KNOW?!" Tubbo yelled. "Oh my lord, Tubbo! Chill!"

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