Chapter 5 Pt. 2

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It was silent. No one dare spoke. It felt as if one word could shatter the very ground below them. So it was a shocker when Ranboo got up.

Tommy and Tubbo followed his feet with their eyes. Such a passive friend, but had enemies. 'What else don't we know?' Made loops in their heads as Ranboo started making pasta. After setting the spoon over the pot filled with noodles, he went to the storage room. He came back with a wallet, and threw it onto the coffee table as he passed it. The wallet skidded across the table, only stopping because of Tommy's coke. Tommy leaned forward and pulled everything out of it. He looked up at Ranboo. He willed him to make eye contact with him. When his efforts proved fruitless, he looked at the things that were in the wallet.

"You stole Jace's wallet when you pulled him toward you to threaten him."

Tommy saw Ranboo out of the corner of his eye straighten.

"We're being honest with each other, correct?" Ranboo's voice cracked.

And with that, Tommy couldn't be mad.

Ranboo found himself hugged by Tommy, and shortly after Tubbo. They walked to the carpet, and sat down.

"It was like I was a little kid again. It was too easy. Ps, the kid had a vape as well, and a knife. Don't mess with him without some sort of weapon, Toms." Ranboo sighed.

"Ranboo, I just wish you'd told us." Tommy smiled. "We aren't mad at you." Tubbo nodded.

Ranboo was about to reply but he was interrupted by his phone ringing. But not his phone phone.

"Do you have a secret phone?!" Tommy queried. "You're telling us all your secrets later!"

"Tommy, please be quiet. I don't use this phone anymore. This could be a person who hates me or loves me. I don't know yet."

"Fine," Tommy mumbled as Ranboo ran to the storage room to grab the phone. When he came out, he took a deep breath and answered. He had it on speaker.

"Ranboo! Long time no talk!" A raspy voice said. Though he sounded hostile, Ranboo's face brightened. "Oh hello Papa J." His face became seldom once more. "You do know I'm retired, right?" "I know, I know, but this is an important job. The Queen himself asked me to fulfill it. Besides, you have to be stretching cash, Ranboo."

"You aren't wrong J, but I have an actual job now. And I don't even live in the area anymore." Ranboo replied.

"The second part's a lie, kiddo. I saw you walking to the Mexican food joint a couple days ago. Besides, we can't do this without you. It has to do with Him, Ranboo." J said quiescently.

Ranboo almost dropped the phone. "Tubbo, give me your laptop. Now." Normally Tubbo would tease him for asking for his things, but Ranboo's tone was eerie. Something was wrong about this 'Him' character. When Tubbo handed him his computer Ranboo started typing away. Tabs flying open and shut, in and out of incognito mode, and the tip-tip-tapping of keys.

"Ranboo!" J yelled. "You have to calm down, who is with you?"

"Two friends that aren't getting dragged into this-" 'no.'

"Joe. You didn't tell me that my dad was getting in this shit. I'm not dealing with him." Ranboo spat.

"Your dad is there to satisfy customers. Nothing more. Who else will keep needy and nosy customers like Schlatt at bay?"

Tubbo sat up, rigid. Tommy and him had been finishing dinner, but now Tubbo sat next to Ranboo.

"Schlatt as in JSchlatt?" Tubbo asked. "Yes," Joe replied, "do you know him?"

"Ranboo I'm helping with this." Ranboo immediately opened his mouth to argue. Instead Tubbo explained why. "One, you are my best friend, I'm not letting you get hurt, and second that's my fuckass of a dad."

There was a silence. Finally, Joe spoke. "Damn kid, I'm sorry. Schlatt went downhill after your mother died. He was a nice man until then. He's a mean drunk now." Ranboo laughed, straigned, but laughed. "Like my dad, pops?"

"Yep. Now, have you found anything you want answers for?"

"Not from you, but Tubbo. This is unlikely, but do you recognize this orphanage?"

Tubbo gasped. Ranboo sighed. "Well then, I need you to give me the floor plans."

Tommy finally spoke. "What's your mission here?"

Ranboo took time with his response. "A man that used to be a friend of mine has went mad. Now, the third in said friendship is calling on me to reel in our past friend."

Tubbo spoke. "And what'd they do?"

"Those two were in a more dangerous business then drug trading like my caretakers and catching criminals like I did. They were assassins."

Tommy got over the shock first. "Names?"

Ranboo replied numbly, "Eret and Dream."

Tommy froze. "I'm helping aswell, I have beef with Dream."

"What?!" John shouted. "What'd he do to you?"

Tommy's face turned to a saddened smile. "Who do you think caused that car crash, Ranboo?"

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