Chapter 1

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Y/N is walking downtown, looking for a good clothing store. While she's on her phone, she couldn't help but notice that someone was following her. 

She gets freaked out and heads into the nearest store/bakery. After walking around, trying to get her mind off of the person who was stalking her, she remembered she wanted to get some clothes. Whether it'd be a hoodie or just a plain old t-shirt. 

A few minutes passes by, she decides to buy a piece of bread and walks out of the bakery and goes to a clothing store. However, as she was walking there, the unknown person following her was still right behind her. 

When she realized this was still happening, she immediately ran into an alleyway, to get to her apartment faster and hopefully safer. All of a sudden, the unknown person grabs her unexpectedly. 

As she turned around, she noticed the guy who had been stalking her the entire time was Y/B. However, Y/N fights him to get off of her and beats him with the piece of bread that she bought from the bakery and runs off before he could grab her again. 

As soon as she entered her apartment, she slammed the door and locked it before Y/B was even able to get to her. Then Lucy, Y/N's roommate, asked her "Hey Y/N, what's wrong? Did something happen?". "Yeah, I'm fine but Y/B is still stalking me. 

He won't leave me alone after all those times of me telling him to." Y/n replied. Lucy then asked her if she wanted to report it to the police and of course, she agreed. 

As they were talking about calling the police to get help, Y/B smashes through the window to get into Y/N's apartment. "HOLY FU-" but before Lucy could say another word, she was already slaughtered by Y/B while Y/n was shocked in fear. 

While Y/B is continuously stabbing the absolute crap out of Lucy, Y/n went into the kitchen and grabbed the closest weapon which was a butter knife. After Y/B finishes killing Lucy, he goes to look for Y/N but after a good few minutes of looking for her, he could not find her. 

That was when he went into the kitchen, only to be stabbed into his neck by a butter knife that Y/N had. Y/B then fell to the ground, screaming and crying in pain as the blood made a big puddle around his head and neck, only to be suffocated by it.

(8 lives left) 

She's staring at Y/B's dead body, thinking to herself "Omg, omg, omg did I really just kill him?" as she decides to poke Y/B with a butter knife to see if he's still alive. 

Then Y/B grabs her hand and kisses it softly, while saying "Nice stab, darling!~" in a flirtatious tone. Y/N screams at the top of her lungs saying "WHAT THE HECK DUDE!?" as she takes her hand away. 

"I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU! HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!?". After still being traumatized and scared for her life, she then notices that the wound on his neck was gone and had turned into a scar, like it didn't happen just now. 

Y/N gets onto her knees and asks Y/B if she could get a closer look at his neck. He nods his head in agreement and she looks at the scar, questioning how it healed that fast within a short period of time. 

When Y/B realized it was the perfect opportunity to grab Y/N, it was already too late, considering the fact she had stood up and backed away a little bit and began to run away from him. He starts chasing her as if it's some random game of cat and mouse. 

Luckily, Y/N went to the police station before he caught her and of course, the police men arrested him and put him on a death sentence. 

As the 4 hours passed by from being respectfully killed by the men who injected a killing needle into his arm, 

(7 lives left)

he then escapes prison, only to find Y/N once again to not only kidnap her but to also make her belong to him before anyone else did. 

[A/N - Hey guys hope you enjoyed chapter one that me and my best friend made. Chapter two will be worked on another day we might work on it next week or sooner Bye have a great day or night.]

YB with 9 livesWhere stories live. Discover now