Chapter 3

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After Y/N was hit by a car she stood up in shock and Y/N thought to herself "Oh shoot, Y/B is there. RUNNNN!!!". 

Y/N runs away into the woods, hoping to get away from Y/B. Y/N hides behind a tree and thinks "How am I still alive and also, how am I not injured badly?". Y/N looks at herself seeing that she just has a bruise and bleeding from her arm.

 "Ow, my arm hurts, wait is it broken!?!?". Y/N moves her arm around it seems fine just a bit sore or something" Y/N thought "I should continue going home or what was home" she goes and walks to her destination.

Back with Y/B he thinks "Damn it! I let her get away for the third time. I really suck at this..." Y/B goes and finds the bloody axe and wipes the blood off the axe.

"Now I'm coming for you Y/N and you won't get away this time." He thought to himself. Y/N arrives at her apartment and goes inside and starts packing her clothes, a blanket, water, card, id, and all the important stuff.

Y/N goes outside and looks at her apartment. She goes to the park and sits down, puts her bag down beside her, and takes out her phone. "I need to stop Y/B and I'm gonna need help from someone..." Y/N said to herself. She looks through her context and finds who she needs to and presses call.

Y/N : Hello.

                                                                                      Hey, what's up? : Person

Y/N : So I kinda need some help...

                         *sighs* What did you get yourself into again? : Person    


Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that, and what did you need help with? : Person

Y/N : I'm gonna need the THING!

                                                                               You're joking, right? : Person

Y/N : I'm not, I'm gonna really need it because the situation I'm in right now is something I can't fix so easily...

If you say so. Just don't mess up like the last time we don't want side effects again.: Person

Y/N : Yeah yeah whatever. When can you bring it, and where?

 I can bring it in 6 hours and the location is where we last used it. : Person

Y/N : Alright. Thanks bye!

                                                                                     *Hangs up*

"This is gonna suck..." Y/N said to herself as she got up and started to go to the place, little did she know Y/B had just found her and was hiding behind a tree. Y/N felt she was being followed and she immediately knew why. 

"Damn it! Y/B is following me and my friend won't be there once I arrive there! I'm gonna need to lose him." Y/N thought to herself. She quickly went behind a tree, uncovered some dirt, and took out a sword. 

Y/B couldn't see Y/N well so he got closer and went behind the tree and peeked. Y/N swung the sword right next to him, missing him by an inch. 

Y/N said "You wanna dance? Then let's dance" (Boss music plays) "Ha! Challenge accepted, darling~" He replied as he flirtatiously winked at her. "OH FUDGE YOU!!!" Y/N says as she swings her sword at Y/B but he dodges it. 

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