Ending 2

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You chose to "Help him up" 

Y/B gasps in shock, not knowing she'd actually help him back up. "You-... YOU SAVED ME!! THANK YOU DARLING!!" He says as he starts to stand up on his own again.

"Alright now since you have sa- huh? Oh no... Oh no oh no oh n- Darling? W-where did you go? You know you shouldn't have run away from me again~" Y/B says anxiously, looking around for Y/N

He hears a branch snap in half along with someone breathing heavily as it fades off into the distance. That was when he realized it was her. She ran away from him as fast as she could the moment she helped him up. 

Y/N accidentally ran into an unknown forest and decided to hide somewhere amongst the trees. "I should be fine here..." She thought to herself as she heard someone screaming in the distance.

It almost sounded like somebody was getting killed. She was so terrified it was him but it turns out it was just a wild animal and so, Y/N gets up and moves somewhere else quickly and quietly. She sees a weird light flashing and goes there, only to be put into a trap. 

Ropes start surrounding her and lifts her up off the ground and sees Y/B coming out of hiding. "Well well well... look what the cat dragged in... A beautiful... young... lady... Hm it'd be a shame if I were to just leave you hanging here now would it?" He asks in a sinister tone as he laughs. 

"LET ME GO YOU PSYCHOPATH" Y/N screams out in fear and anger as she tries so hard to get out of the little trap Y/B had made. However, he decides to be abusive and let the ropes and Y/N fall to the ground. 

As she cries in pain, he bends down, lifts her chin up and says to her "Normally I'd be more gentle with letting you down like that darling but... you gave me no choice" He starts beating her up aggressively, wanting her to learn her lesson. 

Sadly once he was done with her, not only did he leave her bleeding slowly to death but 5 minutes later, she ended up passing out and woke up in a hospital bed, just confused as to what happened. 

"Ah! You're finally awake sweetheart! Tell me, how do you feel? Would you like some food, water? We've prepared some for you!" A doctor asked Y/N in excitement. 

She was still somewhat dizzy from the anesthesia and could barely speak. The most she could ask was "What happened?" before she passed out yet again. 

The doctor left the room and went into the mens bathroom, only to reveal who he truly was... "Since you're so paralyzed darling, I can make you all mine and this time, nobody can stop me" Y/B says as he takes off his little doctor disguise. 

When Y/N woke up again, she saw two buttons appear right in front of her. The choices were to either restart or continue. She clicked restart, hoping she can do a better job at escaping Y/B again. 

The walls, the floors and even the ceiling started glitching out of existence. Everything was beginning to become glitchy but then, all it was just silence... It was all pitch black for a second and then everything was back to normal. 

Y/N was walking out of the bakery, everyone was alive and was actually okay! Y/B was still following her just like how everything had started.

[A/N This is all made by my best friend]

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