Ending 1

175 3 14

You chose to "Push him off" 

Y/N pushed Y/B off he fell as Y/N saw him reach the bottom splat he was dead "Finally after so long he's finally dead i thought this day would never come well what do i do now" 

Y/N was finally free but at what cost she lost everything her friends her home which was no longer home and her old friend trying to protect her she had nothing NOTHING left 

"might as well start to put my life back together" Y/N left the area and decided to go to a grocery store as she entered she noticed that no was there 

"Weird it's open but there are no people welp free stuff i guess" Y/N took some snacks and water, leaving the store she felt weird about everything something didn't feel right As Y/N walked around the town she looked everywhere there wasn't a single soul

 "where is everyone" Y/N mumbled it has seemed like a ghost town she decided to sit down on a bench while thinking about why there are no people at all, she catches in the corner of her eye a figure in the alleyway she quickly looks at a alleyway but the figure has quickly disappeared 

she thought "mmm should i go investigate or stay here i really want to know if that was someone but my guts tell me not too butttttt... screw it" 

Y/N gets up and chases after the figure and losing them Y/N was at the park where she had first meet Y/B something felt out of place looking around she felt that someone was watching but who or what as she stand there she hear someone behind her 

"H̴̛͙̽e̷̜͜͠ÿ̶́͜y̸͇͑ ̷̠̒Y̵̘̦̚/̵͉̋N̶̻͆̐~̴͉̮̿ ̵͚̒̄y̶̧̺̌̾ô̷͎ư̸̳̜̑ ̷̙̖̔̈́t̸͔̀͜h̵̡͒͝õ̷̖ṳ̵̆g̴̬͆̽h̶̻͋t̴̨̮͗̈ ̶̧̓̔y̴̤̰͂͂o̸̲͒̏u̶̺͐̓ͅ ̶̦̪̐c̶̡͈͆̔ọ̵͙́͝u̵̪͌̓l̸̼̈́d̷̠́̆ ̸̡̤́͐g̸̘͛e̶̤̿t̷͍̟͆̓ ̶͎̉͑ŗ̵͈̕į̴̰̓̑d̴̫̻͗ ̶̡̱̔ỏ̸͖͍͝f̵̙̩̈̽ ̴̲͍̽̆m̶̭̗̅e̵̽ͅ" 

Y/N knew that voice but it was glitchy Y/N slowly turned to see Y/B!!! Y/N was shocked she killed him. How is he still alive? 

He was on his last life. How can WHAT?!?!?! Y/N was super scared Y/B was covered with blood and he looked bit glitchy Y/N ran she wasn't gonna stay there she ran and ran everything was glitching 

Y/N didn't understand what was happening she stopped and then realized this isn't real well it was it was a game she remembered that she opened a game she got on the dark web due to her boredom 

once she opened the game she was sucked in she didn't remember anything once she was in the game but now that she had killed the main person aka what the game was mostly about things were going out of control was her friends even her friends her whole life was a lie 

she had a life out of this world she had to get she just had to Y/N looked around trying to find anything to help while looking she saw Y/B he spotted her and started to come at her Y/N tried to run but she was grabbed by something on the ground struggling to get her leg free Y/B was right in front of her 

"Ẅ̴̘́ē̴̱ļ̴́l̷̢͌ ̶̤̈́w̷̞͝ę̴̐l̶͎̇l̷̨̈́ ̴͓́l̴̝̂o̷͎͑o̸̡̚k̵͇͂s̷̨͠ ̴̣͠l̸̰̃i̶̲̓k̴̗͘e̶͇̔ ̸̺̾ỹ̷͔ǒ̶̡u̷̫̿ ̷͕̍h̵̳̓a̸̎ͅṿ̷̑ë̷̦́ ̴̝̀n̴̯̾o̵͈̐ ̴̟͌w̴̨̄h̴̩͒e̷̛͚r̸̛̖ĕ̵͈ ̷͆͜t̸͔͑ọ̵̽ ̴̜̈́g̸͚͑o̸̱͛ ̶̧̅Î̵̧ ̷̭͠g̴̩͝ã̵͕v̵̦́e̷̝͒ ̵̲͝ẏ̵̜ȯ̴̜u̵̱͗ ̷͂ͅǎ̸̼n̵̤̊ ̴̫͂o̴̯̕p̷͙͘t̴̜̒i̴̹̇ö̴̫́ṉ̴͝ ̵̗̈́b̴̫͒u̷̓͜ṱ̶̏ ̵̳̉y̷͍͆o̵͍͝u̷̹̕ ̵̱̾c̸͙̏h̷͔̏o̴̻͑š̴̗ę̴̄ ̶̜͒t̷̨̂h̸̜̊e̴̬͝ ̷̭̿h̵̙̽à̴͕r̵͇̀ḑ̸̚ ̶̩̔w̶̯̓à̸̭y̴̯̋" 

Y/B said to Y/N while she struggled some more Y/N yelled back "Oh FUDGE YOU YOU'RE JUST A DAMN GAME CHARACTER" 

Y/N broke free and ran Y/B chased after her Y/N saw a option thing pop up it was her way out it said

 "Quit game" 

She pressed it she was teleported back to her world she quickly looked at the date it has seem that time didn't change a bit it was the same as she opened the game she was finally free 

Then BAM she looked at her laptop and saw Y/B banging on the screen Y/N quickly trying to close the game but couldn't so she closed her laptop but Y/B was still banging on the screen 

she tried many things but didn't work so she pulled out a knife But before she could stab the laptop Y/B broke though the screen and grabbed her wrist 

'Ẃ̴̹h̶̘̀ý̸̜ ̶̱͋n̶̅ͅó̷̬ ̶͕̚d̷̀ͅa̶̤͗r̸͈̚l̵̩̕į̷̎n̷͍̽ǵ̷̡ ̴̙̽y̴̖͋ọ̶́u̴͐͜r̸̝͆ ̷̲̀n̵͉͑ȏ̷͕t̵͎̂ ̴̪͝g̶͇͛o̵̲̒n̵͔̓n̷̨̎á̵͙ ̸͍̅d̴̲̎ő̴͎ ̸̫͐t̵̨͌h̴̝̄a̶͙̔t̴̖̑' Y/B said out of nowhere some random person came out of the door and shoot Y/B with a lazer gun Y/B screamed out "N̵̯̾o̴̧͘ȏ̷͚o̵̲͌ö̶͙́o̶͎͝ ̸̞͐Î̸͖ ̷̳̋c̷̡͝a̵̖͑n̵͓̓'̵̢̽t̴̤̋-̴̭̾ ̷͚̈I̶̥̾ ̸͓̍w̸̙̒a̶̦̾s̶̳̿ ̴̰͒s̶̢̃o̷͕͐ ̴̬̍c̶̪̄ļ̵͒ò̸͙s̵̫͝e̴̥͋ ̷̧̚T̵͔̾Ĥ̸͎Į̵͊S̸̐ͅ ̶̛̣Ǐ̴̙S̴̹͝ ̷̩̍N̶̟̕O̵͈̅T̸̺͂ ̵̺͋L̸͓̂Ā̵̘S̸͈̋T̵̺͐ ̷̣̏Y̵̠͊Ọ̸̔U̵̗̎ ̷̞̃W̸̭̚I̷̺̊Ľ̴̯L̸͙̚ ̶͉̍S̶̜̄Ĕ̵̩E̵̞̊ ̷̲͝Ō̸̢F̶͓͐ ̷̮͌M̴̛͇E̴͎͐ ̸͎͆I̴̩̒ ̵̙̽W̸̧̃I̵̭͆L̸͙̓L̴̠͂ ̸̲̓C̴̖̓O̸̱͝M̶̳͌E̵̡̓ ̷͈̓B̵͖́A̶͉̾C̴̳͆K̵͔̈́ ̸̗̽" 

Y/B has now pixilated to death Y/N looked at the unknown person to realize it was Her friend (psst its person from chapter 3) 

Y/N screamed out "PERSON my friend you saved me but how did you know i needed help" Person respond with "well Bacon the third told me to check on you so i did" 

Y/N respond with "How does a damn raccoon know everything" Person shrugs As they chat more 

somewhere Y/B says "Oh Ḃ̶͇ú̴͖t̵̥͆ ̸̨̍ẗ̵̝h̸̥̾i̸̠͌ṡ̶͚ ̶̘̿ì̴̘s̷̪̕ ̴̬̆o̷͍̕n̵̗̏l̶̠͋y̷̻͗ ̴͈̏t̶͙̒h̸͝ͅe̴̝͆ ̶͈̚b̸̻́ḙ̴̐g̶̡̊ȉ̷̙ņ̸̕n̸͍̾i̵̖͝ń̷̥ģ̷̅ ̵͘ͅ" 

End of story 1 would you like to play again 

Y/N closes her laptop that was a crazy game i can't wait for the next story to come out. 

[So Y/N was playing a game this whole time or was it really real? We will never know] 

[A/N Hey hope you enjoyed ending 1 also check out the other endings. I drew and wrote Ending 1 My best friend Worked on ending 2 and for Ending 3 we both will work on it] 

YB with 9 livesWhere stories live. Discover now