Chapter 2

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As Y/N starts to wake up, she looks around and sees that she is tied up to a chair but because of that, she starts to struggle to get out but fails. 

Y/N starts to search around to find a way out and sooner or later, she sees a cracked window covered from the outside by some logs. "It's kind of late right now and Y/B isn't around so I'm guessing he's sleeping or not here so I might as well find a way to get out of these ropes," she thought to herself.

 As Y/N searches around more, she finds a broken piece of glass near the door and tries to get to it. Eventually, Y/N is able to get the piece of broken glass and starts to use it to cut through the ropes from her hands then legs to free herself and she did but what she didn't know was if she would go to the door or through the window.

  Y/N is scared to see what is on the other side of the door so Y/N decides to see if she is able to get out from the window. Y/N sees that the window is a bit small but maybe if she squeezes through, she'd hopefully escape. 

Y/N looked around the room to find an object to break the window and so, she was able to find a hammer hidden behind the broken wall however, it was rusty but still had a good advantage to be used. 

Y/N quickly goes to the window and smashes it. She grabs the chair and uses it to boost herself up but notices she can't go through the window due to the broken glass. Y/N grabs a fabric that was on the ground and lays it on the edges/broken glass and tries to squeeze through as she pushes the logs out of her way and as she's halfway out, she hears the door open which causes her to panic. 

As she is able to get her whole body out, Y/B grabs her leg trying to pull her back in. Y/N screams and is grabbing onto the ground but Y/B was able to pull her back in. "LET GO OF MY LEG DAMN IT!" Y/N exclaimed as she fought back. 

She had then told him he was the worst person he had ever met. Y/B froze, still holding onto her leg as tears streamed down his face. He lets go of her, thinking about what she said. A psychotic smile formed across his face as he wiped his tears away. 

"Oh, darling... if only you knew..." Y/B says as he climbs out the window to pin her somewhere. She got too scared at this point and eventually, she was unable to move.

 "You think I'm the worst. That I'm a monster... If that's the case Y/N, then I'll JUST HAVE TO-" before Y/B had said anything else, she gathered the courage to push him away and run for her life. As Y/N runs into the forest, Y/B gets up and stares in the direction Y/N went. 

As he stared off into the forest, he found himself staring at nothing else. Y/N however, she is still running after half an hour of running and soon, she stops and rests by a tree. Y/N looked around to see if Y/B was near but there was no sight of him. Y/N sighs "where the **** am I?!" she asked herself while looking around. Y/N saw a road at her left. "Finally found a road..." she mumbled under her breath.

She walked towards the road, looking both ways. Y/N sees a gas station and says quietly to herself "I'm saved!".

 She started walking to the gas station and normally, she would run but she was super tired. She gets to the gas station but there is no one there. "Huh... that's weird..." she thought to herself as Y/N entered the gas station.

 "Hello????" she asked, trying to see if anyone was there that could help her but nobody answered her. She looked around and no one was there, but the gas station was still open and so Y/N decided to get a snack and look for a phone. 

Y/N finds a phone but it doesn't work, but she was able to find a map and sees that she's 50 miles away from home. "This will be a long trip" Y/N decides not to go to the police because she feels like it will only make things worse. 

Y/N grabs some snacks and puts them in a bag. She goes out of the gas station with the map and starts walking to her home. 

(4 miles in) 

"Wait, I shouldn't be going home. That place doesn't keep me safe from Y/B... oh well, I'll just grab some more stuff and leave and find somewhere else that is safe.". As Y/N was thinking about what to do after she got home, she saw a truck coming behind her. Y/N waves at the truck and the person driving pulls over and the window rolls down. 

"Uh hello! Can you give me a ride to #######, please?" she asked politely. The truck driver responds with "Of course I'm going to pass by there" Y/N gets into the truck and thinks to herself "I'm glad I won't have to walk all the way home and I'll get there quicker!". She decides to take a nap. She didn't care if a stranger was there. After all, she was really tired. 

(48 miles in) 

Y/N woke up due to the truck shaking very aggressively. The truck driver turned the wheel and almost crashed. Y/N in a panicked state asks "What the heck happened!?". 

The truck driver responds "There was some person covered in blood, just standing there..." The truck driver is starting the truck again but it's stuck in something. Y/N starts to panic and thinks "What if it's Y/B? Has he found me??". 

The truck driver notices that Y/N is freaking out. So in response, they say "Hey, it's alright. I have a gun so I'll scare the person away. They seem to only have an ax. 

The truck driver gets out of the truck however, Y/N was feeling a little bit safer but knew that things can go wrong real quick. Y/N slowly opens the door and sneaks away but all she heard next were some shots and then dead silence. 

Y/N was not sure what had happened but she makes her way back to the road and is a bit close in the bushes and sees Y/B!!! He was covered in dry and new blood. He had killed the truck driver Y/B stares into the truck only to not see Y/N he stares in the other direction and spots Y/N behind a bush. 

Y/N notices that Y/B now knows where she is. Panicked she runs but then trips Y/N started bleeding from her forehead. Y/B gets to her grabs her face and says "Now look at what you have done" Y/N is in shock she doesn't know what to do now she wants to run she knows that Y/B will chase her and catch her again.

  Y/N thought No I'm tired of running I have to end this Y/N looks besides Y/B and sees that he has set his bloody ax down Y/N quickly grabs the ax and charges at Y/B but he dodges Y/B says "no no no put the ax down now darling" Y/N ignores his words and goes towards Y/B with the bloody ax again this time Y/B catches the ax he bleeds from his hands he pulls it away from you and throws it into a bush. 

Damn it you say to yourself Y/B ignores the fact he is bleeding from his hands. Y/N starts to run but before she can Y/B grabs her by the wrist "now now where are going in such a rush were not done talking here" Y/N screams "WHAT'S THERE TO TALK ABOUT YOU KILLED ANOTHER PERSON AND THE FACT THAT YOU KIDNAPPED ME" Y/B looks pissed "Now I had to kill them they were getting the way and you tried running away so I had to lock you up" 

Y/N has had enough of this she pulls her hand away from Y/B. Y/N walks in the middle of the road and says "Nope that's it I'm out, strike me down damn it" And after saying that she gets hit by a random car. 

[A/N Hope you guys liked chapter 2 lol cliffhanger chapter 3 will come next week or later bye have a great day or night]

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