Chapter 4

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Y/N is just walking around a lake and stops to think "Wow this is just... crazy. Why is this happening? I feel like I should remember something, it just seems faded".

Y/N just sighs and she's tired after all of this so she decides to go and find somewhere to rest. Y/N goes back to the abandoned warehouse since she has nowhere else to go.

When she gets there, she sees that the blood puddle is gone. Y/N wonders "W-what..? Am I going crazy again?".

But she is far too tired to deal with this so she goes and takes a sleeping bag out of a box and she starts drifting off to sleep... Y/N wakes up because she feels like she is being watched and so, she looks at her phone and sees that it is 2 am.

Y/N gets up and decides to see if the puddle of blood is really gone. Y/N looks at the spot and sees it is actually gone.

"WHAT!?... How is this possible? Maybe this is normal? Nah I'm pretty sure a puddle of blood wouldn't just disappear like that, right?" while Y/N is freaking out, Y/B is behind something, stalking Y/N's every movement and planning something.

Y/N had an odd feeling that Y/B was observing her but of course, in her mind "No... HOW!? He exploded into a puddle of blood! I-I even watched him!!!

Okay, Y/N don't freak out, maybe if I plan my next move carefully, I can escape..." Y/N walks towards some boxes and shuffles looking for something and she pulls out a distracting weapon. "A GRENADE?!?! Oh wait no, a smoke bomb, my bad" Y/N said to herself in reassurance as she threw it on the floor and jumped out the nearest window.

Y/B ran after her but he couldn't see where she went due to the smoke. Y/N is running for dear life but soon, she stops and rests by a tree. "Am I ever gonna be able to rest in peace with no worries of Y/B? Well, if I can answer any of my questions, it'd be the fact that he's not human, that's for sure.

I hate this. I don't want to be running for the rest of my life just because of a damn, gray, bald, creepy guy...". Y/N pulls out her phone and sadly, it's on 10%.

Y/N thinks "What am I gonna do? I'm almost out of battery! Calling the cops will be no use, they won't believe that Y/B is still alive..."WHY CAN'T MY PROBLEMS JUST GO AWAY!?!?!?!" Y/N yelled and she quickly covered her mouth.

She quickly gets up and starts walking away. After an hour of walking, she stumbles upon a cabin.

Y/N knocks on the door, hoping for someone to answer at this hour. Luckily, someone opens the door and Y/N asks the stranger if they can stay in their cabin because she had nowhere else she could go.

The stranger agrees and lets Y/N inside. They had offered her a hot chocolate and to their surprise, Y/N accepted the offer and sat on the couch as the stranger handed them a cup of hot chocolate.

As she sips a bit of the hot chocolate, Y/N asks the stranger "Why did you let me in?? Also what is your name?".

The stranger had said in response "Well let's just say that you seem to be in bad shape at the moment and how could I just leave you out in the cold like that? You could freeze! Oh, by the way, you can call me Riley, and if it's not rude, may I ask why you are in such a terrible state?"

Y/N tells the whole story "Okay so, I know this will sound crazy but you have got to believe me.". Riley says "Well, this seems hard to believe but I believe you. I've seen some types of things like this before - unnatural things.

Now, Y/N, being the confused girl she is, asks "Wait really?... Hold on, you kind of look familiar." Riley looks at her and says "You do!"

Y/N looks more at Riley and remembers "You were in one of my college classes!.. But your name wasn't Riley, it was Ash."

Riley/Ash responds with "Y-yeah let's just say kinda had a big history of stuff in the past so I go by Riley now.". Y/N says " Ah, alright. I honestly can't blame you. I always knew you would kill someone."

Y/N sips the cup of hot chocolate Riley just stares at her and says "What..? How would you even guess that?" Y/N looks in a certain direction "Your picture of a group of people saying, assassin team. Surely didn't give a hint."

Riley quickly says "Oh I forgot I still had that there. Oops." Y/N asks "Do you have a charger I can use for my phone?" Riley says "Of course!" Riley grabs a charger from the kitchen and hands it to Y/N.

She plugs it in one of the outlets and charges the phone. Y/N lays on the couch and says "I'm tired so if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep" Riley says "Ah alright I'll go grab you a blanket" Riley goes to her room and grabs an extra blanket in the closet.

Once she went back to the living room, Y/N was already asleep and so, Riley covered Y/N in the blanket, whispering softly to her saying "Goodnight Y/N, please sleep well tonight..."

Back with Y/B because why not? Anyways, he is looking around the place, trying to find Y/N. Y/B is tired of losing her all the time so he thinks to himself "How can I make Y/N stay by my side? Maybe if I just cut her legs off, she can't run off but she still has arms then I cut that and and... I don't know, maybe it's too much..."

Y/B is walking searching for Y/N *4 hours later* Y/B had found a cabin and thought to himself "Maybe she's in here." He looks through the window and sees Y/N sleeping, which causes him to get excited but he quickly gets down after seeing someone approaching behind Y/N. Back to Y/N - She gets woken up by Riley "Huh? Oh, morning Riley!" Y/N said in a sleepy tone.

Riley apologizes for waking her up early "I just wanted to wake you up because I made breakfast and don't want it to get cold once you woke up." Y/N thanks her and gets up stretches. They both then headed to the kitchen/Dining area Y/N sat down and ate her food. Riley sat down as well and ate.

Y/N finished her meal and thanked her. Riley says "If you want, you can take a shower. The bathroom is down that hall to the left."

Y/N puts the dirty plate into the sink and walks towards her backpack which she actually didn't lose while running somehow. Y/N pulls out a set of clothes and grabs a towel that was on the table and goes to the bathroom.

She starts the water, takes off her dirty clothes and she goes in. After finishing up, she put on her new clothes and when she was about to open the door she heard a loud noise.

Y/N quickly opened the door and ran to where the noise was coming from and saw Y/B with a knife and Riley with a gun. Y/N was so shocked but also extremely terrified.

[A/N Hope you all enjoyed chapter 4. and another cliffhanger we are so evil ok ok so yeah bye have a good day or night]

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