Chapter 5

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Y/N is scared that Y/B found her and so, she quickly ran and hid behind Riley. Y/B wanted to get to her but Riley yelled "PUT ONE MORE STEP AND I'LL SHOOT YOU WITH NO HESITATION!!!" Y/N was done with this and she told Riley "Shoot him." Riley looks at her and says "Gladly." 

Y/B was shocked and tried to charge at Riley with his knife but Riley shot him but of course, he still felt alive, knowing that he got hit on the leg. Riley shoots him again but somehow, he wasn't dead yet. 

Y/B said in a dying voice "Y/N come on... Can't we get along?" Y/N looked at him with a disgusted face. Riley shot him again and Y/B was no longer alive or was he? 

(5 lives left) 

Riley says "Well that was uh... That was something. How are you holding up Y/N?... Y/N?" She looked at Riley and said "I... I don't want to look at him. Can you uh... get rid of him?" Riley responds with "Of course, you can get some snacks from the kitchen if you're hungry." 

Y/N goes towards the kitchen and Riley drags Y/B's lifeless body outside and decides to bury Y/B's body somewhere. 

Y/N grabs a bag of chips and goes back to the living room and sits on the couch. She turns on the tv and Y/N stares at the floor with Y/B's blood all over it. 

She starts to stare at his blood, ignoring the tv and that something didn't sit right with her. Y/N starts to get closer to the blood and yells out saying "IT'S MOVING!!... Is this what happened last time? Wait oh no... RILEY" 

Riley was still digging a hole to bury Y/B's body in as she turned around to get his body to put it in, Y/B's was GONE!! Riley was shocked. She was sure that she killed him which made Riley confused about what was happening. Y/B appeared behind her and stabbed her in the back. Riley screamed in pain as she fell. 

Riley quickly grabbed her gun but then Y/B kicked it away. As he was about to stab Riley again, Y/N yelled at Y/B. He turns around to see Y/N she has a butter knife in her hand. Y/B laughs while saying "Oh my! Y/N using a butter knife again? Mmmm~" Y/N thought to herself "Why did I think it was a good idea to bring a butter knife..?" 

Riley took this chance and tried to reach for her gun but Y/B noticed what she was doing and went to the gun, then crushing it. "Oops, looks like I broke your gun," Y/B says as looks at Riley with an evil smirk. 

Y/N takes this chance to charge at Y/B with the butter knife. He quickly grabbed Y/N's wrist, just as the butter knife was inches close to Y/B's neck. Y/N drops the butter knife she says "Oh #@$% me." Y/B responds with "Gladly darling~" Y/N struggles and says "UGH! That's not what I meant now let me go" 

Y/B responds with "Why would I let you go if I finally found you now-" Y/B was cut short as Riley threw the broken gun at him Y/B got really angry "NOW YOU'RE REALLY GETTING ON MY NERVES WHY DON'T I JUST KILL YOU ALREADY!?" Y/N was scared. 

She didn't want to see someone die again in front of her. She quickly grabs the butter knife and charges at Y/B he tries to stop her but she somehow was able to overpower him and he falls. Y/N was on top of him and of course, he blushes and says "Oh Y/N... didn't know you had that in you" Y/N blushes in embarrassment "AGH SHUT UP AND DIE ALREADY" Y/N stabs him repeatedly "JUST DIE DIE DIE Die die..." She yells out of anger and fear. 

(4 lives left) 

Riley struggles to get up and stay awake. Y/N quickly helps Riley up "Riley are you ok? I'm so sorry, I should have been here on time." 

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